
by clark addis, inspired by bill wurtz

ask a question

(this will take some time)

question style:
bill style:

7.26.2024 11:14 pm   Why is blue, blue, and not red?

      it is a stronger to make them all the time i was too many sense to make the time and something that i think it's a long time ago.

7.25.2024 10:43 pm   Would you consider adding italy to the history of videos? That'd be funIf you do it I'll send you infinite pizza supply?

      i will check.

7.25.2024 8:09 pm   Can you give an example of a number that is the product of two fairly large prime numbers? (Also, be sure to remember the prime numbers because they might be useful in my future questions and you might not be able to get them back once you've multiplied them!)?

      i will do it when i get a chance.

7.25.2024 7:26 pm   Do you think that everyone should host their own extravaganzas?

      i have to be to sure whether on the same time.

7.25.2024 6:54 pm   How do you not let perfectionism keep you from finishing something?

      i have not seen it in an anyone as yes.

7.25.2024 6:40 pm   How did you come up with this beautiful channel and ideas :))?

      i don't remember.

7.25.2024 6:39 pm   how would you describe a color to a blind person?

      answers. ensers to do when it sounds like it is because i would be made at memes for the right project.

7.25.2024 6:23 pm   how much history did you have to learn to make a history of the entire world, i guess?

      as mine as possible.

7.25.2024 5:14 pm   I hate you?


7.25.2024 1:34 pm   how do I tell humans I like them?

      i think it's hard to see what i can do.

7.25.2024 11:16 am   Do you ever let other people in on your creative process?

      i have a good idea.

7.25.2024 6:54 am   are you a spaghetti?

      i never started as more content to some people think that were explain in the first thing i was also sure what you mean.

7.25.2024 6:37 am   if life had an undo button and i kept pressing it would i eventually not exist or would it limit the number of times i could press it?

      i never started as more complicated with the word is that i would be the ones that are supposed to make them as good as i can.

7.25.2024 5:14 am   can i answer this question? yes?

      i never thought of those possible to make the long time.

7.25.2024 4:12 am   What are your views on ravioli?

      i have never been to see what it's not trying to say it.

7.25.2024 3:34 am   are you gonna go to mars?

      i will changl thing the words is the only the scrook opes metter in the strately in the same time.

7.25.2024 2:02 am   where the fuck are yuo?

      i have a secrets.

7.25.2024 1:18 am   why are working on your content non-stop?

      i haven't try to kind of something that and i good in the same time.

7.25.2024 1:18 am   Do you think that venus is actually a sentient extraterrestrial monster that wants to eat us but is trapped by the sun's gravitational pull?

      it's not the problem.

7.25.2024 1:09 am   When are you planning to upload a new history of video?? My dad and I love the History of Japan video?

      i have already done that metter.

7.25.2024 12:33 am   Bill help, there are many obnoxious people, how do I establish dominance by being the most obnoxious?

      i have never been to see if it's not to call it the world and i would say more interesting to something that and i got too municater.

7.24.2024 10:39 pm   do you enjoy answering questions?

      i have to respect it all doing it like the same for me to make the thing i was too.

7.24.2024 10:25 pm   quick bill do something funny?

      i wish it's probably to the music in that they are too many to make the thing.

7.24.2024 8:24 pm   Do you think death is the only answer?

      i have to do the same questions.

7.24.2024 7:45 pm   Why is it raining?

      then they would be to explain it to kied of done than the right project.

7.24.2024 5:08 pm   are u still answering questions?

      i have a scile that i can me.

7.24.2024 4:52 pm   am i dead?

      i never been gentrading me to do that many different the stractly relets to be a new lease it too probably not anything to think it is an alrama. but on in the same time.

7.24.2024 4:28 pm   do you have a sense of humor?

      i have a knew everything.

7.24.2024 2:12 pm   do you like to surf? by surfing i mean like riding the waves of thoughts and emotions?

      it's not the right project, and i find a word to record its a compleces.

7.24.2024 1:09 pm   whenever anyone posts one of your videos on reddit and the topic gets to donating to you there's always someone that says that you sent their paypal money back. why would this be?

      it depends how you like the songs you are looking for and draps them all the next one.

7.24.2024 8:12 am   And why you even published your notes publicly? :D?

      i have a good idea.

7.24.2024 8:07 am   i get the idea from you that you don't actually mean any of the lyrics in your songs cause it's just music?

      i will check.

7.24.2024 5:41 am   whats your status?


7.24.2024 3:35 am   are monday videos coming back :(?

      i will check.

7.24.2024 12:58 am   why would anyone want to censor the word FUCK (rhetorical)?

      i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as leny of the same time.

7.23.2024 10:54 pm   How long did history of the world take?


7.23.2024 10:27 pm   Did you know that alt+enter can makelinebreaks?question brought youbyentersending a question insteadof makinga line break?

      i don't think i have time.

7.23.2024 1:48 pm   what happens if you microwave a microwave?

      i have never been to see what it's not trying to say.

7.23.2024 12:20 am   why does my phones battery drain quickly?

      i haven't see if them anyway.

7.23.2024 11:45 am   Brains?

      instralled something. i hope that makes sense.

7.23.2024 10:58 am   what is the answer to this question?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right track.

7.23.2024 9:58 am   i can't forget that girl but she hates me but also she can't change her mind but I can't help it and i see her everyday what do i do?

      i can't tell you.

7.23.2024 7:16 am   isn't it crazy how the circle of fifths gets more insightful the more you learn about music?

      i will check.

7.23.2024 6:45 am   Bill, a hoodie on your store would be nice. Try to get it on there. <3?

      i will check.

7.23.2024 1:49 am   Is the answer to this question no? (Think about it. No maybe or I don't know)?

      i will check.

7.23.2024 1:38 am   do you feel like there is any greater meaning to each and every person's existence,?

      i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as leny of the same time.

7.23.2024 1:38 am   If 'tis means it is,?

      it seems reasonable.

7.23.2024 12:40 am   I'll pay u $50 to get the video up before may 11th?

      i think they are a stronger to make them as i can make them.

7.23.2024 12:00 am   should i kill myself?


7.22.2024 11:54 pm   is uranus a country?

      impit in the same time.

7.22.2024 10:39 pm   are you an expert in waluigi?

      i will check.

7.22.2024 6:15 pm   where is the link for frequently asked questions?

      it is not.

7.22.2024 5:22 pm   do you think pressure from society inherently Bad?

      i have to trying to start this questions. i have to sarr an instrument. it would be in a way that they are supposed to make the thing.

7.22.2024 4:43 pm   Bill how can i cope with being at school?

      i will check.

7.22.2024 4:36 pm   do you think you're a cat?

      i have to do the same questions.

7.22.2024 3:14 pm   how are u today?

      it is not a result. and i think it's one of the main reason the only thing i am working on it in the video.

7.22.2024 2:19 pm   you didn't even mention Nepal :(?

      i think it's hard to see what i can do.

7.22.2024 7:44 am   is there even an answer to this question?

      i think so.

7.22.2024 5:57 am   think fast, what's the biggest word you can think of right now?

      i don't think it's a good way to recent instaully pretty surcheded also it is a stronger to make them all the questions are something that way you really sure how i good. then you would be to explain it up to surprise your completents and i can mean returing the ones that are working on the video was a

7.22.2024 4:34 am   how can you write an original chord progression if its all been done before?

      i have already done that metter.

7.22.2024 4:05 am   the diamond is actually a rhombus?

      i never stould things and in a sorg list.

7.22.2024 2:56 am   Since your huge success, have you considered making a team or have some form of help from plebs? You should have them to make even more content of your own, just keep it secret. PLS I JUST WANT MORE STUFF FROM YOU ;_;?

      i was already still a truep.

7.21.2024 11:38 pm   How long does it take for you to make a video?Including making the music, and that?

      i don't remember.


      i think it's pretty not letters on the video was a great job.

7.21.2024 3:44 pm   could you possibly create a picture using only symbols?

      i will check.

7.21.2024 11:40 am   i just wanna get shit DONE?

      i was also then why would it be done. i will be music to think it's a long time ago.

7.21.2024 9:15 am   i'm kind of wondering how you pronounce the name?

      i think they are all the songs too much more than 10 minutes.

7.21.2024 8:08 am   Thanks, m8?


7.21.2024 5:42 am   Are you going to make more videos?

      i have a scile the controd or nothing that i would be the ones that are sportant to make the thing in the list. but i respect your opinion.

7.21.2024 4:48 am   how come you haven't done a new anagram since july 10th?

      i have already doing it.

7.21.2024 2:40 am   would you make more documentaries?please? xd?

      i will check.

7.21.2024 2:23 am   is it ok if i make a living off my music and dont go to college?

      i will check.

7.21.2024 1:35 am   do you think music is subjective? as in thinking a song is good or bad?

      i have already doing it.

7.21.2024 12:39 am   Can you explain visual art,?

      i wish it.

7.20.2024 11:33 pm   who do you hate?


7.20.2024 11:13 pm   banana?


7.20.2024 8:37 pm   every time i try to write one it feels forced and not required to make the song better?

      i think it's pretty nead to make the videos to explain to me.

7.20.2024 8:03 pm   What do I do when I come upon a conflict?

      it has all the stuff the strategy in a real to a lot of while in in the process.

7.20.2024 7:33 pm   cats or dogs?

      in the nures and they think it was succeed before.

7.20.2024 4:33 pm   how come HoTEWIG is all in caps but o isnt? i know it's 'of' but it feels like discrimination?

      i don't remember.

7.20.2024 3:12 pm   How often does the word the appear in the final script? Also how long is it now compared to before?

      i don't remember.

7.20.2024 2:32 pm   People who sign their questions are dumb, because anyone can just type that person's signature and pretend to be them ~Lauren?

      i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as leny of the same time.

7.20.2024 2:30 pm   name 3 good things about me?

      i ngeets and the same time.

7.20.2024 12:37 am   ask a question?

      i never start your opinion.

7.20.2024 10:38 am   please post more in the reality webpage!!! :)?

      i was already done that all the time.

7.20.2024 10:06 am   C.) Sidenote: We just spent an hour looking through your videos and 10/10 are entertaining?

      i will check.

7.20.2024 7:36 am   Oh didn't you hear? Yur gay! if you listen to Justin Bieber! /s (you've made me appreciate pop more, thanks)?

      i don't think it's a good part of the same time.

7.20.2024 3:00 am   what's the deal with airline food?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right track.

7.20.2024 12:56 am   if you were to make an omelet, how many eggs would you use to in your omelet?

      i have never been to see what it's not trying to start all the work on the video.

7.20.2024 12:28 am   wanna date?

      uppose thing to do it in the first thing i was also sure what you mean.

7.19.2024 10:26 pm   And if you are can you give an approximate release date for your next video thanks?

      i don't think it's a good partions. i will be music to site it is an a real point. it's true bet everything.

7.19.2024 9:49 pm   do you value originality?

      i have to respect your opinion.

7.19.2024 7:44 pm   What is a thing?


7.19.2024 7:41 pm   i missed a party because I don't have a car. what should i do i never get to go to nice parties like this usually?

      i don't remember.

7.19.2024 6:02 pm   can one appreciate something without understanding it? eg art?

      i will check.

7.19.2024 5:05 pm   why did you leave a comment asking someone to donate money to you to make up for the fact they made some fan video? they didn't make any money off it. you were just being a cunt?

      it's ok.

7.19.2024 1:20 pm   a professor told me a 7/13 voiced 7 1 2 3 6 was a cluster, cause of the tone to tone intervals. But it doesn't sound clustery to me?

      i will check.

7.19.2024 11:59 am   describe yourself in 1 word?

      it daps better it's a good idea real life.

7.19.2024 11:01 am   do yoyu respect women and man or jsut woman?

      i have a knew everything.

7.19.2024 6:59 am   how interested are you in waluigi?

      i was moritic and dreams that and it seems to be the songs than any other things.

7.19.2024 1:37 am   what's the eighth word you say/sing in the new thing you're working on?

      it is still making a video.

7.19.2024 1:30 am   if not, do you think you would be more fulfilled with friends and perhaps an SO? if you're ok then that's great, i'm just curious, hope i'm not being rude. love you bill. take care?

      i never thought of thinks i would be to think it something experience.

7.18.2024 9:18 pm   I forgot what question I asked?

      i wish i can mean your questions.

7.18.2024 8:26 pm   How do you balance witty-online-cynicism and compassionate humility? How many focus groups did it take? Thank you for much (more than i probably now realize)?

      it is not.

7.18.2024 5:08 pm   how do i stop feeling sad about losing my atudent council election?

      i have a good idea.

7.18.2024 4:31 pm   do you wear leather?

      i prefer to updous to record it in a video and you will be more.

7.18.2024 3:29 pm   i havent read the questions page in like two weeks, hows it going bill?

      i will check.

7.18.2024 2:43 pm   when do you think the world will end?

      i have already doing it.

7.18.2024 8:58 am   What drives you? At the moment motivation is in short supply for me and I'm wondering what makes you want to record and work?

      it is the same time.

7.18.2024 7:19 am   have you ever eaten a piece of gum you found on the streets?

      i prefer to upd a real concert incaured.

7.18.2024 6:06 am   How do I music?

      sessem if them and i fell with the particul toous of anything.

7.18.2024 4:40 am   i hate school and all i want to do is music?

      i wist to be music.

7.18.2024 1:31 am   why didn't you go to the Streamys?

      it's actually made of the most of the videos to be a sturt of the stronges better and don't was really has been suppriting.

7.18.2024 1:00 am   What is with your lack of capital letters?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right track.

7.17.2024 10:48 pm   How do you not become full of yourself/ insecure? Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions?

      it is not.

7.17.2024 10:14 pm   are all letters are silent letters if you don't read them aloud?

      i would be trying to see it someone else and i can do it and i think they are too much that work. i don't think it's a good out a better and i was tood a bit more different types of the stronges better and dress the word make my experience.

7.17.2024 7:37 pm   Am I asking too many questions?

      i will check.

7.17.2024 5:12 pm   what is the most common reason you don't answer a question?

      i have never been sure that i was the one if the entire than i made to start to my exact thing to do it.

7.17.2024 2:13 pm   what was your inspiration for hey jodie foster?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right track.

7.17.2024 12:26 am   have you ever played the organ?

      i prefer them all the same time.

7.17.2024 10:23 am   are your notebook entries/tweets random thoughts that come into your head?

      i don't think it's a good partionicing what you are too any questions to be a struttions.

7.17.2024 6:03 am   What do you do when you feel depressed?

      i have never been to see what it's not trying to say it.

7.17.2024 1:30 am   where can i get affection?

      i have already doing it.

7.16.2024 8:44 pm   whats left of the video Now?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project.

7.16.2024 4:48 pm   Thoughts on Brexit? (The UK is free from the tyrannical European Union, hurray!)?

      i never think to be a result of the process in the first thing i was also use to asking me to do them all the same time.

7.16.2024 3:55 pm   will you support trump if he is elected as presidential man?

      i will check.

7.16.2024 2:26 pm   Has anyone ever called you Bill Worst, in an attempt to make fun of you, like in grade school or something?


7.16.2024 1:00 pm   what level of a wizard are you?

      i was already done that all the time.

7.16.2024 10:18 am   There's this kid and he's screaming and banging spoons together what do I do?

      i think they are all the songs too much more than 10 minutes.

7.16.2024 10:13 am   I think im retarded how do i know for sure?

      i never thought of those 2 days. there are some of the pressure for a long time.

7.16.2024 7:48 am   is water good for u?

      i never see what i can do.

7.16.2024 3:59 am   do you have a hard time focusing like for example adhd like for example?

      i have see what the most of the thing.

7.16.2024 2:06 am   chicken or egg?


7.15.2024 11:24 pm   say a word about the beatles, si vous plait?

      i wish i can guess them as fast as i can.

7.15.2024 10:42 pm   would you pay one American dollar for all your tweets in transitional book format, eg pages, 2 tweets per page or something. this is not a business offer, I just wonder if you would want something like that?

      i will check.

7.15.2024 10:12 pm   do you love me?

      seems them on its effect you would be the chords i would be the ones that are supposed to make them as good as i can.

7.15.2024 9:36 pm   what is your opinion on the puppies or kittens debate?

      i have never been sure that i was the one if the entire than i made to start to my exact thing to do it.

7.15.2024 8:09 pm   What isnt your hobby?


7.15.2024 4:12 pm   Release the video so I actually have something good going for me during finals week?

      i will check.

7.15.2024 4:06 pm   what is the universe of meaning?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project.

7.15.2024 2:06 pm   what;s the password?

      it is not in the universe from the way it works like.

7.15.2024 12:20 am   whats the opposite of today?

      it is still doing it.

7.15.2024 11:20 am   how do you get rid of your depression?

      it is not now.

7.15.2024 10:27 am   or is there some truth in there?

      i will check.

7.15.2024 8:19 am   hows the video coming along?

      it is not actually much like the same torel.

7.15.2024 7:52 am   will you make another history of video in the near future?

      i will check.

7.15.2024 2:48 am   why is my sexuality full of *bad things*?

      i haven't see if them any not something that i think it's a good something that and someone else to do that mater i don't know what it is. thend word work, and also there are a long time ago to explain to me.

7.15.2024 2:36 am   but if you start dating then that's less time for content-making and the rest of us want more content now?

      i will do it when i get a chance.

7.15.2024 1:24 am   i dont see one posted anywhere?

      i was also then it's more and it is the right project.

7.14.2024 11:49 pm   Why don't you live in the UK, we'd be bffs :(?

      i haven't see if there is a good i think it's a good out a best of my life.

7.14.2024 7:48 pm   alien crickets eh? How did you make that sound? Or what are you trying to accomplish with it? Reminds me of a high organ with the leslie on fast or something?

      i will check.

7.14.2024 6:16 pm   what convinced you to add a favicon?

      it is still a lot of do it for the rise was to go to be them.

7.14.2024 3:40 pm   have you decided what your next content will be?

      i prefer to upd a real concert incaured.

7.14.2024 11:49 am   do you know what a blue corn moon is?

      i have to the right pares, and page of the videos than the ones that would be a little postible to another things. it is a secriting without complicated and it is the right project.

7.14.2024 10:47 am   is proper capitalization important or nah?

      sureas yes.

7.14.2024 7:51 am   Where are the questions prior to may 2015? I sawould them before...-Bogg?

      i have already doing it.

7.14.2024 5:58 am   How long did it take you to make the history of Japan video?

      answers. encormediam cleaphe something.

7.14.2024 4:09 am   is your favorite letter actually V bc my name is vy and its pronounced as the letter V?

      i think so.

7.14.2024 12:57 am   do you have any rules you follow for answering these questions?

      i have a knew everything.

7.13.2024 11:07 pm   pop quiz: what is a polymer?

      i'm not sure if that answers your question.

7.13.2024 11:00 pm   have you even been to Alabama?

      i prefer the mess for the right project.

7.13.2024 10:26 pm   are u sleeping?

      song my something.

7.13.2024 1:38 pm   how do you feel about pants?

      i'm not sure if that answers your question.

7.13.2024 12:43 am   That way you could release hundreds of songs every day, leaving you free to focus on automating video creating and then you could even make a history of video generator that could do 11 months of work in like 11 seconds?

      i will do it when i get a chance.

7.13.2024 8:02 am   when is the next educational video?

      i have already doing it.

7.13.2024 6:32 am   what you working on?

      in took at the sime first.

7.13.2024 6:19 am   what do you look like?

      i have not seen it in an any.

7.13.2024 4:42 am   Do you think we should decriminalize watermelon farming?

      i have to the right particularl toouse of the forwars to making the videos to explain to make the thing i was working on it is done.

7.13.2024 4:07 am   Why 240?

      id to it is the time and start distontant that i finith it. i am doing it.

7.13.2024 3:47 am   Should I try out for the polo team?

      i think they are all the time i have to really sure.

7.12.2024 10:28 pm   a question?

      spending the songs to some people think that would be the compertal you are see.

7.12.2024 10:25 pm   is using a calculator just cheating at math?

      i will check.

7.12.2024 7:49 pm   How are you doing today?

      in took a little bit expected in a video way too many times to the next thing that because they are also there would be the completernely to be amonity.

7.12.2024 6:40 pm   how does one C Major?

      it is not using the way that they are supposed to make them as possible. i am strange those ones sende.

7.12.2024 5:47 pm   ;';--?

      er is a screen hotes than any other things i was the important thing this with a little bable content than that.

7.12.2024 5:29 pm   is it ok to not know anything about music, but wanting to learn?

      i will check.

7.12.2024 2:40 pm   which is the best holiday?

      i have already have.

7.12.2024 1:59 pm   Do you answer questions with the first answer that comes to your head?

      i have already doing it.

7.12.2024 12:00 am   opinions, on michael jackson?

      i'm not sure if that answers your question.

7.12.2024 12:11 am   i would hypotethically pay you thousands of dollars per video?

      i will do it will be more than and it was reasonable.

7.11.2024 9:23 pm   are u gonna make another video like history of japan but not the history of japanlikethe history of denmark or something?

      i will check.

7.11.2024 9:10 pm   you are the definition of project delays?

      i wish i can guess to some people think that would be the ones that are supposed to make the thing.

7.11.2024 7:25 pm   how do i unboil an egg?

      it is not a result of the same time.

7.11.2024 3:34 pm   do u purposely not even post certain questions because they're so bad or does it just take a few days to get to a question?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the one of the most of the thing.

7.11.2024 2:28 pm   how big is your cucumber?

      i have a good idea.

7.11.2024 1:22 pm   according to your hotewig video the antarctic doesn't exist,?

      i think they are all the songs than any other things.

7.11.2024 11:04 am   when is the next prank video?

      i have a screed to see what it's not senier when you will see it in the thing i am already better the place in the first thing i was also sure what you mean.

7.11.2024 9:29 am   Are you working around other steps making this video while writing the script? You were once talking about trouble with graphics and also said that was a different step...so have you gone on and gotten other things out of the way like recording audio for words you know you'll definitely say for like the first 10% or whatever?(or other things...y'know)?

      i have already done that makes sense.

7.11.2024 8:21 am   what do you do when you're sad?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right project.

7.11.2024 7:19 am   can we reset or remove humanity and everything it's developed?

      i will check.

7.11.2024 6:06 am   ?

      ints an important to it is the world.

7.11.2024 3:07 am   Do you play any video games?

      i have to really to know the people on the time to make them all the next page.

7.11.2024 1:33 am   why is old music so good?

      it's actually more like the video was a screptries.

7.11.2024 1:15 am   what if everything was spiders?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project, and i am not interested in the right track. it's understandly what it is really sure.

7.10.2024 8:51 pm   where did u learn to music I'm a kid and I want to make music like yours I am good at piano and decent at guitar plz answer I love ur content?

      it is not.

7.10.2024 6:56 pm   how are you related to Bill Nye or Bill Clinton?

      it is not.

7.10.2024 6:29 pm   am I funny?

      i never been gentrading me to do that many different the stractly real both.

7.10.2024 3:53 pm   do you ever answer a question from so long ago that it gets inserted so far back that it won't ever be seen a whole lotE?

      i have already done that metter.

7.10.2024 3:09 pm   how many variations of the umbrella do you have?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the one of the most of the thing.

7.10.2024 7:41 am   do you think as a society we neee to form a new system that is not capitalist, socialist, or communist in order to make things better for everyone?

      it's not that beet from the world and i will consider it.

7.10.2024 12:33 am   Why do you post questions without an answer? Eg that sugar question?

      i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as leny of the same time.

7.10.2024 12:15 am   Should I dig a hole?

      surear seem to be a lot of determined i don't have an explain in the first thing i was also sure what you mean.

7.9.2024 9:44 pm   how solipsistic are you on a scale of 1 to 1?

      it is not.

7.9.2024 9:36 pm   are you still a piece of garbage bc if u are ur a good piece of garbage?

      i will check.

7.9.2024 9:31 pm   why don't you put ads on your videos?

      it's a company we kidd a sorg list.

7.9.2024 8:29 pm   why did you choose to do the history of the earth and not mars or jupiter or something?

      i have already done that makes sense.

7.9.2024 4:17 pm   is one of the new and different things you are going to try after the video is out live streaming? I think that would be really cool?

      it is not.

7.9.2024 4:14 pm   what if i dont want to ask you a question?

      i don't remember.

7.9.2024 2:48 pm   sometimes i just feel like MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?

      i don't think i have time.

7.9.2024 12:21 am   I can't ask a question because I don't have internet. Please help, I don't have a computer either. -Bogg?

      i never thought of those people.

7.9.2024 12:14 am   If I forget the question mark, does it still count?

      i wish so.

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      it depends how you work toght think i was already done that i think it would be a little postible to another things. it is a stronger to make them all the time i am still intone than that.

7.9.2024 8:25 am   what's stopping us from starting the year in july, or december, or may?

      it is not.

7.9.2024 7:57 am   what are you wearing?

      i was already done that all the time.

7.9.2024 6:14 am   how would i get around having ideas in a room or hallway full of people that would judge me harshly if i sang into my phone all of a sudden? -the person who was wondering how to keep ideas around?

      as much more sense.

7.9.2024 2:59 am   do you collect dreams?

      i prefer to updous to record it in a video and you will be more.

7.9.2024 1:51 am   what is your favourite black and white silent horror film?

      i have never been sure that i was the one if the entire than i made to start to my exact thing to do it.

7.8.2024 10:44 pm   explain conciousness to me?

      it is not using the word makes sente.

7.8.2024 10:09 pm   bill are u dating someone?

      i never thought of those possible to make the long time.

7.8.2024 9:00 pm   bill, i think there's a number of us that don't want you to collab with anyone because your strange lonesome uniqueness is why we're here in the first place. thx?

      i will see what i can do.

7.8.2024 6:02 pm   What do you think of your first video? (Well it's not so hard to do)?

      it is not.

7.8.2024 4:56 pm   how often do you stay up through the night?

      as much more time you see it is really not see in the same way to do it. so i would prefer to do them all of them.

7.8.2024 11:02 am   Do you believe in human existence?

      i have to rearly sure if the ensiricate with the right trying to do a world wine on the videos to be anything.

7.8.2024 5:17 am   why is thabk spelt like that on the thank you page?

      i think it's a surprise some ones looks like that to do it.

7.8.2024 1:55 am   why do you waste your time with instagram?

      i haven't see if them anyway.

7.8.2024 1:47 am   Your usage of punctuation marks seem to have increased, should I be worried?

      i will check.

7.8.2024 12:00 am   Do you have any competitors?

      i have a script to be realizents.

7.7.2024 5:07 pm   how much money do you want us to donate?

      as mine as possible.

7.7.2024 4:47 pm   how's the ground?

      it is not in the video interesting to the process to be a lot of sites like the same time.

7.7.2024 3:55 pm   are we even supposed to understand your work?

      i wish it.

7.7.2024 11:44 am   Why haven't you updated your journal thingy :(?

      i haven't see in the video.

7.7.2024 4:23 am   Did you have any imaginary friends?

      i wish it.

7.7.2024 3:08 am   what do you think of names for musical notes like do re mi rather than letters like E C G?

      it is not.

7.7.2024 1:32 am   can you make your next song 1 minute and 42 seconds? thanks?

      i will check.

7.6.2024 10:50 pm   is assange dead?

      i never thought to be there with starts all the time i was too many times to the next thing that become the video to do what it is.

7.6.2024 6:01 pm   how do i youtube?

      seesting the songs to be anyone to be able that i can do.

7.6.2024 4:50 pm   how do i ask a question to bill wurtz?

      i have a good idea.

7.6.2024 3:19 pm   Have you ever had an existential crisis?

      i prefer the mess for the rest of the expert particulard to you to do it when i think they are well i think it's a good way to recent in the right all the time.

7.6.2024 3:17 pm   how do i calculate math?

      it is not a result of the videos to be a new lease it too probably not anything to think it's a long time ago to the next thing that become the video to do what it is because the word made of the strongess to be about it.

7.6.2024 12:50 am   will you explain guns dont kill people. people kill people pls?

      i will do it when i get a chance.

7.6.2024 12:07 am   What is your favorite kind of music to write?

      i have never been to see what it's not trying to say.

7.6.2024 11:31 am   why do people keep living?

      it's a company we kiddes any one since and see what it is.

7.6.2024 11:15 am   what makes you fire yourself every day?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project.

7.6.2024 8:51 am   Would u still make content if you only had 1/10th of the following and no money?

      i was already done that a bit of better projects and i am not sure.

7.6.2024 1:53 am   is 'i like' about sex?? my friend is being dumb please reply i'd like to prove her wrong?

      i will check.

7.5.2024 11:08 pm   How much of an emotional roller coaster is this video going to be? I am sensitive?

      as much me to do it.

7.5.2024 5:10 pm   and how to figure out what u know,?

      i have to the right particularl toous of how that i think it's a good way to recerd to save butting that way i think it's a concerted to another too much that it is a still good. i would like to do it bore.

7.5.2024 2:06 pm   do you like wrestling?


7.5.2024 10:58 am   What's a bill?


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      a som of the also is not update something else with the words.

7.5.2024 6:43 am   what do memes mean to you?

      i have not seen it in an anyone as yesternely would be to think it a completed to make them all the time i am still intone than that.

7.5.2024 3:36 am   did you expect the history of the world video to blow up as much as it did?

      it's not too much that were music in that the ones that are work about it.

7.5.2024 3:29 am   Do I have to wait to feel the GROOVE tickle me before doing music, of however it is you relate to a medium? Should I just throw some darts into an arts and crafts magazine? i got a nosebleed god save me?


7.5.2024 3:22 am   do you ever regret going to school? (secondary education specifically)?

      i have already been really looking for a lot of things i was too many times for the rest of the time is the only one will be the same time.

7.5.2024 1:46 am   how's the content-making coming along?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project.

7.5.2024 1:34 am   what is life?


7.5.2024 1:23 am   do you like dank memes? if so, what is your favourite maymay?

      i have to be to sure whether ones the chords are nothing to do that this page is the only thing i was always get to do the someone else website to mean them.

7.5.2024 12:03 am   how much would we be able to comprehend? just a rough estimate at least?

      as mine as possible.

7.4.2024 10:34 pm   what's the point in having favorites if everything is unique and different in their own way?

      it is still making a video.

7.4.2024 10:27 pm   What is the weirdest thing you've done ever?

      i have never been to see what it's not trying to say.

7.4.2024 9:45 pm   sunrise or sunset?

      start to make them all the next page.

7.4.2024 8:48 pm   Help help my printer isn't printing .gif's properly what do I do?

      i never thought of those possible to make the time for yourself.

7.4.2024 8:37 pm   how do i make this one horrible zit on my face go away????????????/?

      it is not.

7.4.2024 10:30 am   do you ever feel like fucking the shit right up, i mean gettin it proper done like?

      i have already been really construt to make them all of them.

7.4.2024 10:20 am   how would you call that section in got to know what's going on right before the last choruses? the bit that goes open the door, cuz i got to know what we came here for, whatever it is i'll believe it. it doesn't feel like part of the bridge since it imitates the verse, chorus and prechorus sections. my best guess would be to call it a summary but that's not a musical term afaik?

      absolutely not.

7.4.2024 7:00 am   How are you?

      in to me.

7.4.2024 1:36 am   do you like hiccups?

      seems leggress it too put the process.

7.4.2024 12:39 am   N O T H I N GI SN O R M A L?

      i don't know how the pesses you really like to see it something the next ones to make the videos than the ones that work projects and the other start trump.

7.3.2024 6:20 pm   what will te next video b?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project, and i am not interested in the right track. it's understandly what it is really sure.

7.3.2024 5:54 pm   how did you feel when you started approaching the end of hotewig?

      it is not.

7.3.2024 3:25 pm   m or f?

      innerse when you resout the people who care you to the properly already have been doing it.

7.3.2024 11:07 am   If canada were to invade america, would you say I guess Im canadian now or Id prefer to be called American Canadian?

      i never think to do that things.

7.3.2024 10:51 am   I have a severe condition where I need exciting revelations every day,?

      no it is recent and i finish the most decisions are not done that makes sense.

7.3.2024 10:07 am   do you have a yearning for paternity?

      i have a knew everything.

7.3.2024 9:24 am   How many pixels do you have?

      i have already doing it.

7.3.2024 6:18 am   how 2 do the music?

      it is not a result of the process.

7.3.2024 4:32 am   would you live (if you could)?

      i never see what to do is.

7.3.2024 12:33 am   is the video, like, almost done, just sitting there looking incomplete,?

      i will check.

7.3.2024 12:02 am   When I sift the questions page, I seem to always stumble upon you saying that you had a mental breakdown about whatever thing. Do you say this as a tool of hyperbole, or are you seriously saying that you have mental breakdowns whatever thing, and why? ~ D?

      i don't know what you could be them all the things.

7.2.2024 8:30 pm   do u have any advice for today's youth?

      i have a good idea.

7.2.2024 7:31 pm   what's your favorite temperature?

      i have never been to see what it's not trying to say it.

7.2.2024 5:58 pm   do you sometimes smile or even laugh at the questions you're receiving?

      i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as leny of the same time.

7.2.2024 7:29 am   That means that your mom/dad never existed, that means that you never existed-> so you are never able to kill your grandparents soooo your mom/dad exists -> you do to. But than you can go back in time.... you know where this is going to... soo what would happen if you went back in time to kill your grandparents?

      i don't think it's a giest write now i am doing it.

7.2.2024 6:45 am   what is youre opinion on net neutrality?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right track.

7.2.2024 5:52 am   What does 'queue' mean?

      i never thought of that with the world and i would say more in the process to be a milling placess. they are always considered the right place.

7.2.2024 5:13 am   where do cats come from?

      i have already doing it.

7.2.2024 5:04 am   could you put into words the difference in connotation between =) and :)?

      i will check.

7.2.2024 4:30 am   can you submit a question?

      i never thought of those possible to make the long time.

7.2.2024 1:20 am   what does NAFTA stand for?

      it is still a lot of stiff a time and started as hould and it was a strumple entures that are work about it to help it so i haven't noted at the sime first.

7.2.2024 12:36 am   can you be my wife?

      i never see it the name is the one i am still answered on it to consider that it was to do are to keep the interal properly relate.

7.2.2024 12:14 am   Should we ever have invented nukes?

      it do it so experience.

7.1.2024 11:53 pm   Also those little chord hits that play around 2:44 right after 'baby I'm sure you would'? Here's the song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVSfnXeYmtQ?

      it is the same things are before.

7.1.2024 9:54 pm   are your hands cold or warm?

      i will check.

7.1.2024 9:16 pm   what happened to canada on the video or whatever?

      i have never been to see what it's not trying to say.

7.1.2024 8:52 pm   why are you such a nerd?

      it's actually made of the main reason the only thing i am working on the ones they are allowed to start clain.

7.1.2024 5:24 pm   are you still thinking about a full length album? New Canaan and We Could Just Get High are some of my top jams?

      i will check.

7.1.2024 5:04 pm   When Will You Do The Next History Of A Country? Really Waiting For That :)?

      a smirouly lect on the same time.

7.1.2024 4:38 pm   hi bill, i really respect your work. keep on keepin' on. question: do you think public transportation has a big impact on society outside of trains and airlines? love you. ser?na?

      i will do it when i get a chance.

7.1.2024 4:12 pm   how much is a lot?

      i never see what i can do.

7.1.2024 9:51 am   Why is the english language so weird?

      it is a stronger to make them all the time i was too many sense to make the time and something that i think it's a long time ago.

7.1.2024 7:12 am   how do i know what i like?

      it is not in the universe from the way it works like.

7.1.2024 6:58 am   solve this riddle?

      i never been gentr do that.

7.18.2022 2:57 am   TO RENEW wurtzai.clarkaddis.com (Expires on 2022-07-18) httpswebstationdomain.comwurtzai.clarkaddis.coma1658127454v0 This email is to inform you that your outstanding invoice number 1823959440 is OVERDUE. wurtzai.clarkaddis.com expired on 2022-07-18 is SUSPENDED. Please send payment ASAP to avoid any TERMINATION of service to wurtzai.clarkaddis.com. Do take note that if no payment is made in the next 3 business days, your data will be purged and deleted. TO RENEW wurtzai.clarkaddis.com httpswebstationdomain.comwurtzai.clarkaddis.coma1658127454v0 Disclaimer notice We can not be held legally accountable for any claims, damages or loss that you may incur owing to the cancellation of wurtzai.clarkaddis.com. Any such damages may include but are not exclusively limited to revenue losses, lost data without backup copies, loss of results in search rankings, lost appointments, undeliverable electronic mail and any other technical, business or service damage that you may incur. For more information please refer to section 11.f.3.c of our Terms of Service. This is the final notice that we are legally required to send out with reference to the expiration of wurtzai.clarkaddis.com. SECURE ONLINE RENEWAL httpswebstationdomain.comwurtzai.clarkaddis.coma1658127454v0 All web services will be restored immediately on wurtzai.clarkaddis.com upon receipt of payment. We thank you for your cooperation and continued business?

      i do something to be really really try to recelt to the songs that also most of the videos.