
by clark addis, inspired by bill wurtz

ask a question

(this will take some time)

question style:
bill style:

10.21.2024 10:29 pm   what's your favorite temperature?

      i have never been to see what it's not trying to say it.

10.21.2024 10:20 am   go buy ya mom a house?

      i never still doing it.

10.21.2024 10:02 am   have you decided what your next content will be?

      i prefer to upd a real concert incaured.

10.21.2024 9:01 am   how do i not die?

      sees thes list sturich and complicated and it is the right project.

10.21.2024 6:56 am   oh golly what if you actually do finish by the deadline?

      i have a good idea.

10.21.2024 3:53 am   Have you ever had an existential crisis?

      i prefer the mess for the rest of the expert particulard to you to do it when i think they are well i think it's a good way to recent in the right all the time.

10.21.2024 12:48 am   Hey dude, any tips for preparing for a test? -Zach?

      i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as leny of the same time.

10.20.2024 8:47 pm   What are the chords for song:I'm crazy/ it's raining?

      i have never been sure that i was the one if the existory sceephing things there is a stronge to the video was a good way to recent instaution.

10.20.2024 3:10 pm   how much would we be able to comprehend? just a rough estimate at least?

      as mine as possible.

10.20.2024 2:03 pm   Why did you choose to do your first history video on japan?

      i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as leny of the same time.

10.20.2024 2:02 pm   i get the idea from you that you don't actually mean any of the lyrics in your songs cause it's just music?

      i will check.

10.20.2024 1:04 pm   what is cringe?


10.20.2024 7:27 am   What language did Helen Keller think in?

      i will check.

10.20.2024 6:42 am   do I need to have 5 years of indecisiveness before actually trying to pursue what I want do?

      i think it's probably comprict on them.

10.20.2024 5:04 am   I forgot what question I asked?

      i wish i can mean your questions.

10.20.2024 1:35 am   what is your favorite meme?

      i'm not sure if that answers your question.

10.20.2024 1:33 am   What is 4+4?

       of to asking about homenowith i am going to see them.

10.19.2024 11:38 pm   do u like to bike?

      special things than the one i have not meant to do that to invent them all the time.

10.19.2024 11:04 pm   Do you think your next video will be posted by, say, February 2017? Just curious as to how much more time you may put into the video, assuming things go relatively smoothly. Looking forward to it either way :)?

      it's not that big music is so you can get a little but i have to decide the entire time from the confusion.

10.19.2024 5:44 pm   Dank Memes is an ironic expression used to mock online viral media and in-jokes that have exhausted their comedic value to the point of being trite or cliche. In this context, the word dank, originally coined as a term for high quality marijuana, is satirically used as a synonym for cool.Now you know?

      i think they are what the mess good.

10.19.2024 3:54 pm   I personally don't care to much for one or twoOr you could be doing this and I'm a moron who doesn't understand yt?

      i don't remember.

10.19.2024 1:54 pm   do u purposely not even post certain questions because they're so bad or does it just take a few days to get to a question?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the one of the most of the thing.

10.19.2024 11:33 am   Did you have any imaginary friends?

      i wish it.

10.19.2024 11:15 am   1. Do you make odd videos?

      i was already done that a bit of better and then i would have to try to much. it worre is an important to it.

10.19.2024 7:58 am   Try holding Shift while typing your answers? You seem to have forgotten what capital letters are?

      i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as leny of the same time.

10.19.2024 4:34 am   what is your favourite black and white silent horror film?

      i have never been sure that i was the one if the entire than i made to start to my exact thing to do it.

10.19.2024 3:27 am   What do you think about mormons?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right track.

10.19.2024 3:13 am   where did u find ur several hundred million friends?

      it is not in the past on a result of the process to be a new lease it to be a secret for the rist of the time is the only one will be the other things i was too much that live.

10.18.2024 5:52 pm   Brains?

      instralled something. i hope that makes sense.

10.18.2024 4:43 pm   what if the flat earth theory is correct?

      i have never been to sigce one of them are more.

10.18.2024 3:39 pm   is water good for u?

      i never see what i can do.

10.18.2024 3:29 pm   bill are u dating someone?

      i never thought of those possible to make the long time.

10.18.2024 3:02 pm   how do i youtube?

      seesting the songs to be anyone to be able that i can do.

10.18.2024 2:45 pm   Do u like art? Like paintings and stuff?

      i wish it's working on it to check with the right place.

10.18.2024 12:31 am   Is Lenin in the new video?

      i was also think i am working on the process in the video in the first place.

10.18.2024 12:31 am   Also monday ISN'T moonday?

      i never stop for the rest of the time is the only thing that would be not as look as it to the proper to the past there is no answer is probably not because i work what i was also sure.

10.18.2024 10:16 am   how do i not be scared to express myself?

      i don't remember.

10.18.2024 8:12 am   whatcha tryin to do here?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project, and i am not interested in the right track. it's understandly what it is really sure.

10.18.2024 4:27 am   Post more reality?

      i actually don't talk about it.

10.18.2024 2:58 am   Uur splling iz tearible?

      i never stop for the ones that are working on the video was a screprritions with a time that the right trick to a lot of doneted in a real concer it to the most of the strangles to the process to be a lot of sites i am both that rece. it is the right project.

10.18.2024 2:57 am   Can you please release the video on march 17th it's my birthday that would be the best present ever thank you?

      i will check.

10.18.2024 1:16 am   who do you hate?


10.17.2024 10:15 pm   or sustain a chord?


10.17.2024 8:56 pm   is there any way you can explain the key changes in this song (except the obvious first one at 0:12)? it sounds like there is no key change from the chorus to the verse at 1:30-1:40 (same as 0:12-0:22) but i know something weird must be going on here because of the super surprising key change at 2:23, putting it back in the same key it was at 0:12?

      i think so.

10.17.2024 7:46 pm   are you going to make more videos like history of japFUCK FUCK FUCK FUCCKKADGLWRJ R)@#U$@$GKBFM>VFF:?

      i will check.

10.17.2024 3:52 pm   if you could ask yourself any question what would you ask?

      i was already done that all the time.

10.17.2024 3:33 pm   I think you will post the video today?

      i wish i can guess to some people think that would be the computer.

10.17.2024 3:00 pm   insert question about next long video here?

      i think they are a lot of strateges better any clises that words in the words were answered on the same time.

10.17.2024 1:40 pm   ;';--?

      er is a screen hotes than any other things i was the important thing this with a little bable content than that.

10.17.2024 1:35 pm   sometimes i think my art thing is not finished, so i try to add more things to make it complete but then it gets to a point where the things i add are detracting from the overall effect. it is hard if not impossible to take things away once they are there. do you ever deal with this,?

      i do not hate it.

10.17.2024 11:13 am   can you tell me a secret?

      i never thought of those possible to make the long time.

10.17.2024 10:40 am   What's your favourite number?

      it is not now.

10.17.2024 7:03 am   have you even been to Alabama?

      i prefer the mess for the right project.

10.17.2024 6:59 am   the diamond is actually a rhombus?

      i never stould things and in a sorg list.

10.17.2024 5:54 am   Also, is there any improvisation involved in the score/background music (I think you said before you do that part last, but do you fully chart it out before recording it?)?

      i don't think i have time an extremely already at the same time.

10.17.2024 4:39 am   you used a capital letter in the history of the entire world when Europe discovers the aztec and inca empires?

      i don't think i have time.

10.17.2024 3:48 am   how are u today?

      it is not a result. and i think it's one of the main reason the only thing i am working on it in the video.

10.17.2024 3:23 am   there more i listen to your music, the more im convinced that the you you keep throwing out is some ex girlfriend. im just getting bad breakup vibes. am i offbase?

      i never thought of those people.

10.17.2024 1:40 am   I always ask questions on here but then I forget to check back until a week later and I have no idea what the question was and can't find it help?

      i will do it when i get a chance.

10.17.2024 12:55 am   I kinda have to decide what I'm gunna do with my life in the middle of next year. What do I do? They always say do what you love but I love everything I do and I can't do everything? Pls Halp?

      i do not have beef with all the notes and then i would have to hard to remember the difference.

10.17.2024 12:00 am   how are you related to Bill Nye or Bill Clinton?

      it is not.

10.16.2024 11:58 pm   Is it true that if you do nothing you are doing something because you're just standing not Moving? Or are you not doing something?

      i will check.

10.16.2024 10:56 pm   how do i stop feeling insignificant?

      i have a good idea.

10.16.2024 9:40 pm   are u gonna make another video like history of japan but not the history of japanlikethe history of denmark or something?

      i will check.

10.16.2024 8:55 pm   is the video, like, almost done, just sitting there looking incomplete,?

      i will check.

10.16.2024 8:01 pm   what is the best way to cook an egg?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right track.

10.16.2024 4:53 pm   Are you autistic?

      sones as look as it.

10.16.2024 4:36 pm   Do you find it relaxing to think about the universe?

      i have to the right pares, and post somenot that the creator besis.

10.16.2024 4:33 pm   what do i do when my parents yell at me?

      i have never been to see what it's not trying to say it.

10.16.2024 1:52 pm   how would you describe a color to a blind person?

      answers. ensers to do when it sounds like it is because i would be made at memes for the right project.

10.16.2024 1:22 pm   and how to figure out what u know,?

      i have to the right particularl toous of how that i think it's a good way to recerd to save butting that way i think it's a concerted to another too much that it is a still good. i would like to do it bore.

10.16.2024 12:23 am   I love you man make more vids?

      i will check.

10.16.2024 12:19 am   what is your beef with ELI5?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project.

10.16.2024 10:05 am   whtas a meme?


10.16.2024 9:57 am   i just found a neat trick. you can make a color palette pretty dull and dark but then add pops of NEONS or BRIGHT COLORS and sometimes even PASTELS and it's just SO FUNNNNNNNNNNNNN?

      i think it is really sure.

10.16.2024 9:01 am   what's the deal with wrong spelling? is it just the aesthetic or MAYBE you're TRYING TO tell us something ImPoRtsbt?

      it is not.

10.16.2024 7:57 am   is America's justice system corrupted?

      i wish it.

10.16.2024 4:51 am   if you could be any animal what would you be?

      i was already done that all the time.

10.16.2024 3:42 am   what do I do if my music theory teacher stopped showing up to class?

      it has all the stuff the scrook has or not back.

10.16.2024 2:31 am   what is the best way to apply music theory?

      i have never been sure that i was the one if the entire than i made to start to my exact thing to do it.

10.16.2024 1:44 am   or do you have a concept in mind that you want to do, that would be a similar length?

      i have already done that metter.

10.15.2024 10:06 pm   how do you play chess?

      i'm not sure.

10.15.2024 8:02 pm   have you ever felt so regretful, it was crushing, but then you thoughti can make a hella good song from this?

      i prefer to use the same question what i think they are the same thing i am working on the ones that i was working on it songs in the first thing i am not sure.

10.15.2024 6:26 pm   what made you start YouTube?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project, and i am not interested in the right track. it's understandly what it is really sure.

10.15.2024 5:24 pm   where the fuck are yuo?

      i have a secrets.

10.15.2024 5:11 pm   Turn YouTube ads on so I can help you make money, you deserve it (& I don't mind)?

      i will check.

10.15.2024 1:44 pm   explain?

      sure what i am done.

10.15.2024 12:48 am   why do you always come up with dumb answers i mean like i need help and you're like huh whats a world?

      i have not seen it in an aro thing than and sometimes i have see whether ones i am going to see what i can do.

10.15.2024 11:22 am   are you still a piece of garbage bc if u are ur a good piece of garbage?

      i will check.

10.15.2024 10:32 am   how do i get more focused and less easily distracted?

      it is not in the past the same time.

10.15.2024 10:19 am   Are you going to make another documentry?

      i have a scile the first thing i can't sure it is.

10.15.2024 9:06 am   What's the definition of music to you?

      it is not in the universe for means.

10.15.2024 7:56 am   what has been the most difficult, creativity related issue for you to work past?

      i have never been sure that i was the one if the entire than i made to start to my exact thing to do it.

10.15.2024 7:31 am   that person would need to have your phone number or something to be in contact with you;?

      i never thought of that i am working and i finish the content than i made the most decide.

10.15.2024 7:30 am   how are you?

      in to kelp persent drest to make them all the next page.

10.15.2024 2:43 am   about how much stuff have you figured out?

      i will do it with i side after one.

10.15.2024 12:59 am   is this question really a question?

      i wist it.

10.15.2024 12:42 am   C.) Sidenote: We just spent an hour looking through your videos and 10/10 are entertaining?

      i will check.

10.15.2024 12:19 am   you should release HOTEWIG on the 1 year anniversary of history of japan oh wait that already passed nvm?

      i don't think i have time.

10.14.2024 10:42 pm   hows the video coming along?

      it is not actually much like the same torel.

10.14.2024 10:24 pm   a question?

      spending the songs to some people think that would be the compertal you are see.

10.14.2024 4:42 pm   what if i dont want to ask you a question?

      i don't remember.

10.14.2024 3:58 pm   When Will You Do The Next History Of A Country? Really Waiting For That :)?

      a smirouly lect on the same time.

10.14.2024 3:20 pm   solve this riddle?

      i never been gentr do that.

10.14.2024 11:59 am   why do companies only have vice presidents?

      i haven't see if them anyway.

10.14.2024 11:55 am   And why you even published your notes publicly? :D?

      i have a good idea.

10.14.2024 11:47 am   ?

      ints an important to it is the world.

10.14.2024 10:27 am   I have a severe condition where I need exciting revelations every day,?

      no it is recent and i finish the most decisions are not done that makes sense.

10.14.2024 10:23 am   How are you doing today?

      in took a little bit expected in a video way too many times to the next thing that because they are also there would be the completernely to be amonity.

10.14.2024 6:06 am   is there something that really makes u excited like u pee ur pants when u see it?

      i don't think it's a good partions. i am not interested in the right track. it's use a little bit of both.

10.14.2024 5:41 am   Make an evolution video?

      i wish it.

10.13.2024 9:59 pm   so lets do some real talk here bill...whats a realistic release date for the video? i reckon not till the coming summer?

      i think it's probably comprict on them.

10.13.2024 8:40 pm   when do you plan on dying?

      i have a screed to see what it's not senier when you will see it in the thing i am already better the place in the first thing i was also sure what you mean.

10.13.2024 7:44 pm   is order better than chaos?

      i never thought of that with the right place.

10.13.2024 7:03 pm   btw sorry if I was messing up words, english is not my native language?

      i never thought of those people.

10.13.2024 6:15 pm   can the desperation to reach a breaking point prevent you from reaching it?

      i never thought of those people.

10.13.2024 5:57 pm   What do I do if it hit artist or writers block?

      it has all the stuff the strategy in a separate of the video.

10.13.2024 5:48 pm   What's your motivation on doing content?

      it is not exactly what the mess for the right place.

10.13.2024 1:39 pm   why don't u play drums in ur music vids (u play rad air drums but just asking)?

      i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as lenttr.


      i think it's pretty not letters on the video was a great job.

10.13.2024 10:36 am   I know that you really want to/ feel compelled to create all these things, but have you ever felt really tired of working on things non-stop since 2014? (side note: really appreciate all your effort and all the things you've made)?

      i will try.

10.13.2024 8:02 am   what do you do on a rainy day?

      i have not seen it in an anyone as yesternely would be to think it a completed to make them all the time i am still intone than that.

10.13.2024 7:05 am   What should I do with the abandoned bird nests I found?

      it has all the stuff the scrook has out to be that i am working as fast as i can.

10.13.2024 3:28 am   Notice you don't really use a guitar in your compositions? Any specific reason why or just preference? Maj 7, Min 7, add 9, add 7 chords can all sound really groovy with the right tone :D?

      i didn't remember.

10.13.2024 2:51 am   would you pay one American dollar for all your tweets in transitional book format, eg pages, 2 tweets per page or something. this is not a business offer, I just wonder if you would want something like that?

      i will check.

10.12.2024 11:38 pm   how do i know what i like?

      it is not in the universe from the way it works like.

10.12.2024 6:28 pm   do you ever answer a question from so long ago that it gets inserted so far back that it won't ever be seen a whole lotE?

      i have already done that metter.

10.12.2024 5:58 pm   how do i toast bread if my toaster cannot toast the bread?

      i have a good idea.

10.12.2024 4:43 pm   will you ever become President of the United States of America?

      i will do it when i get a chance.

10.12.2024 4:18 pm   don't worry i'm lonely too so maybe we could be lonely together?

      i have already doing it.

10.12.2024 2:53 pm   how's the ground?

      it is not in the video interesting to the process to be a lot of sites like the same time.

10.12.2024 12:54 am   is 'i like' about sex?? my friend is being dumb please reply i'd like to prove her wrong?

      i will check.

10.12.2024 10:41 am   how do i ask a question to bill wurtz?

      i have a good idea.

10.12.2024 9:16 am   Do you currently only answer quick questions which don't require much thinking? So u have more time to work or something?

      i have already done that metter.

10.12.2024 8:36 am   So is YouTube your main job for now? Also, what's your favorite food?

      i will check.

10.12.2024 5:36 am   is there any reason for music to even exist?

      i prefer to say.

10.12.2024 12:33 am   do you think maybe mary just said she was a virgin so that her and joseph wouldn't get stoned to death?

      i have never been sure afficual.

10.11.2024 11:42 pm   should i live for the sake of living?

      not really in an amore.

10.11.2024 10:52 pm   do you feel relived finishing history of the entire world?

      i have a knew everything.

10.11.2024 9:31 pm   did you have to lift yourself up to drop yourself on your head or did you just go for it?

      i have already done that metter.

10.11.2024 8:43 pm   when does love go too far?

      i have a screed to see what it's not senier when you will see it in the thing i am already better the place in the first thing i was also sure what you mean.

10.11.2024 12:27 am   quick bill do something funny?

      i wish it's probably to the music in that they are too many to make the thing.

10.11.2024 8:39 am   RE: 12.7.172:46 am .Would have been nice if it said not japan?

      i don't think i have time.

10.11.2024 2:28 am   what swear word do you say the most?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right track.

10.11.2024 1:29 am   do you think trigonometric functions have anything to do with trigonometry or functions?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the one of the most of the thing.

10.10.2024 11:34 pm   What is your favorite kind of music to write?

      i have never been to see what it's not trying to say.

10.10.2024 11:25 pm   can you sing the answer to this question?

      i will check.

10.10.2024 9:52 pm   are you ever going to give a serious answer to when you think you will make a video again [if you will]?

      i will check.

10.10.2024 5:24 pm   do you know who ate all the donuts?

      i have to the right pares, and page of the videos than the ones that would be a little postible to another things. it is a secriting about 100 seconds, or the entire time recorded and it is still a lot of things that will be much more content was a bary of more.

10.10.2024 4:57 pm   is there an Old Zealand?

      i never see what i can do.

10.10.2024 4:50 pm   which is the best holiday?

      i have already have.

10.10.2024 4:37 pm   Am I dead?

      i never thought of that with the right place.

10.10.2024 3:44 pm   do you know what snu is?

      i have to rearly sure if the ensiricate that i made the most decide.

10.10.2024 3:22 pm   How often does the word the appear in the final script? Also how long is it now compared to before?

      i don't remember.

10.10.2024 12:55 am   What's the time signature of this song https://youtu.be/WH3tkGViAPY?

      it is not.

10.10.2024 12:50 am   how many times a day do you randomly start thinking about your breathing and cant stop concentrating on it and it gets really annoying cause you start holding your breath or breathing really weird and even try breathing normally but it doesn't feel right so you go to thinking about dumb songs you hate having stuck in your head only to go back to your breathing and start the cycle all over again?

      i don't remember.

10.10.2024 11:16 am   HOW TO DISAPPEAR?

      sees them all the screen of the videos to be a new lease it to be a secret for you are already be a real not butiness.

10.10.2024 7:31 am   i performed in front of people for the first time and my legs were shaking violently the entire time. is there anything i can do to fix that or do i just have to perform until my legs stop shaking?

      i do not have beef with music. i think the rest all the new ones they are not sure.

10.10.2024 5:19 am   Do you like rulers?

      something there are something to make the most decide.

10.10.2024 5:16 am   Zodiacs are weird. Some people will avoid you because you two don't 'mix' well. I find that dumb. What are your thoughts,?

      it seems readles.

10.10.2024 3:15 am   how would you describe your creative process?


10.9.2024 11:57 pm   Does science interest you enough that you'd make some sort of informative video at some point? (Science of light, colours, etc.)?


10.9.2024 8:56 pm   does FMaj15 sound dissonant? (it contains E F F# G)?

      i have already doing it.

10.9.2024 8:02 pm   what is the moon made of?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project, and i am not interested in the right track. it's understandly what it is really sure.

10.9.2024 6:38 pm   where is your shorty award on display?

      it is not in the past on a result of the process to be a new lease it to be a secret for the rist of the time is the only one will be the other things i was too much that live.

10.9.2024 3:49 pm   do you feel like there is any greater meaning to each and every person's existence,?

      i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as leny of the same time.

10.9.2024 3:43 pm   when is the next educational video?

      i have already doing it.

10.9.2024 1:35 pm   when do you think the world will end?

      i have already doing it.

10.9.2024 10:56 am   what is the most memorable book you've read?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right track.

10.9.2024 6:28 am   where did u learn to music I'm a kid and I want to make music like yours I am good at piano and decent at guitar plz answer I love ur content?

      it is not.

10.9.2024 4:43 am   Why don't you have any pictures of yourself up online?

      i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as lenttr.

10.9.2024 4:01 am   did a capital letter once do something bad to your family?

      i have already doing it.

10.9.2024 2:16 am   Do you play any video games?

      i have to really to know the people on the time to make them all the next page.

10.8.2024 11:39 pm   Also those little chord hits that play around 2:44 right after 'baby I'm sure you would'? Here's the song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVSfnXeYmtQ?

      it is the same things are before.

10.8.2024 10:56 pm   could you put into words the difference in connotation between =) and :)?

      i will check.

10.8.2024 9:34 pm   did you expect the history of the world video to blow up as much as it did?

      it's not too much that were music in that the ones that are work about it.

10.8.2024 8:52 pm   How will i know if you for realsies want to date me if i don't know what you are looking for in a girlfriend?


10.8.2024 5:09 pm   why are people so interested in your opinions?

      it's a companser to the process i am not seems like the script is the one to hear the things.

10.8.2024 3:38 pm   how is your latest test to see if the internet still works coming along?

      it is not expecting to be a new lease what the hell is going to be.

10.8.2024 8:49 am   how do i make mygirlfriend feel special?

      i have a good idea.

10.8.2024 8:29 am   doesn't kanye west sound like he has oversized molars?

      it dapens when it stuff.

10.8.2024 7:14 am   where did you go question mark here?

      i have already doing it.

10.8.2024 4:44 am   Should I dig a hole?

      surear seem to be a lot of determined i don't have an explain in the first thing i was also sure what you mean.

10.8.2024 4:20 am   How do I become good at music?

      i think it's a stronger to make them as i can guess.

10.8.2024 4:08 am   can i ask questions here?


10.8.2024 3:57 am   how do i work in a group with people who i hate/hate me?

      i don't remember.

10.8.2024 2:51 am   how do i learn finnish?

      it is not i think it is a serional asking me to do the same thing i was also used to ask a long time.

10.8.2024 2:46 am   If canada were to invade america, would you say I guess Im canadian now or Id prefer to be called American Canadian?

      i never think to do that things.

10.8.2024 2:27 am   what does alterior nean?

      i was already done that all the time.

10.8.2024 1:40 am   Why is it raining?

      then they would be to explain it to kied of done than the right project.

10.8.2024 1:22 am   what's the point in having favorites if everything is unique and different in their own way?

      it is still making a video.

10.7.2024 11:01 pm   happy birthday?

      seems legit.

10.7.2024 9:59 pm   Why don't you live in the UK, we'd be bffs :(?

      i haven't see if there is a good i think it's a good out a best of my life.

10.7.2024 7:50 pm   you are the definition of project delays?

      i wish i can guess to some people think that would be the ones that are supposed to make the thing.

10.7.2024 5:55 pm   sometimes i feel like i ask myself too many questions. they can release everything that's set in stone and that can make me feel really insecure?

      i think it's great. i think they are the same thing i am working on the ones that are working on it songs in the first thing i have not meant them.

10.7.2024 5:10 pm   so recently i have been making up words that sound like words. examples would be flerq and glump. thoughts?also im sorry for this question?

      it's not that been than an instruments i surply in my life.

10.7.2024 3:18 pm   do you think you will ever try and grow a beard?

      i have to trying to start this questions. i hope that makes sense.

10.7.2024 12:26 am   Thoughts on Brexit? (The UK is free from the tyrannical European Union, hurray!)?

      i never think to be a result of the process in the first thing i was also use to asking me to do them all the same time.

10.7.2024 10:22 am   how can I tell if I want a tattoo?


10.7.2024 10:16 am   why do you waste your time with instagram?

      i haven't see if them anyway.

10.7.2024 6:38 am   why did you leave a comment asking someone to donate money to you to make up for the fact they made some fan video? they didn't make any money off it. you were just being a cunt?

      it's ok.

10.7.2024 5:41 am   do you enjoy answering questions?

      i have to respect it all doing it like the same for me to make the thing i was too.

10.7.2024 4:48 am   im looking to move out of my parents place soon. can i move in with you so we can play with tigers past 9pm, sing parodies of katy perry, and make john stamos impressions? will cover half of the ultilities, rent, etc?

      i don't think it's a good part of the same time.

10.7.2024 1:50 am   Do you think Colombia is cool? (like, cool enough to merit a History of Colombia video?)?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the one of the most of the thing.

10.7.2024 1:09 am   is there a song stuck in your head at this moment?

      i think so.

10.6.2024 9:59 pm   the audio for your cover of golden lady sounds messed up (rly fuzzy and crackly)- you may or may not be interested in fixing this?

      i will do it when i get a chance.

10.6.2024 8:02 pm   What does it mean to use both replay and shuffle at the same time?¿?

      it is not.

10.6.2024 7:50 pm   am i dead?

      i never been gentrading me to do that many different the stractly relets to be a new lease it too probably not anything to think it is an alrama. but on in the same time.

10.6.2024 6:37 pm   how come HoTEWIG is all in caps but o isnt? i know it's 'of' but it feels like discrimination?

      i don't remember.

10.6.2024 5:54 pm   do you still live at kosciuszko street,?

      i have to do the same questions.

10.6.2024 4:10 pm   as of me posting this, the second question from the top was posted at 3:14 pm, which means it was pi pm. is that cool?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right track.

10.6.2024 4:09 pm   when's your bedtime?

      i have a strunged the way that they are sometimes i can getting the songs that all the time.

10.6.2024 2:27 pm   how come you haven't done a new anagram since july 10th?

      i have already doing it.

10.6.2024 12:53 am   Should i sacrifice my mental health for academic success?

      i tried to say i have to really sure.

10.6.2024 11:18 am   why is there an ask button?

      it is not using the word makes sente.

10.6.2024 10:49 am   also, in the broader context of vocal music, the lead vocal line tends to be the melody/most significant - not the underlying harmonies?

      i will check.

10.6.2024 8:24 am   what was your thought process behind making 'throw up' (in here's a bowl) one syllable? that's a fun rule to break but you don't usually do it i think?

      i have never been sure that i was the one if the entire than i made to start to my exact thing to do it.

10.6.2024 7:25 am   Hi Bill .?. Hope you're doing great. I'm wondering if you use isochronic tones or binaural beats in your music. It's pretty dope how your music makes me feel like you're massaging my brain. Thanks so much for sharing your music with us. Try not to worry about how fast or in which order you will get it all done in. What matters is that you're actually doing it.And also, I love you?

      i will do it when i get a chance.

10.6.2024 4:32 am   should i walk to the mall when it's -12 degrees celsius (10 degrees farenheit) outside where i live?

      no it is have been a struct.

10.6.2024 3:53 am   what do I do if my boss is sexist?

      it has all to tell beture.

10.5.2024 7:37 pm   when you inevitably perform in california live will you replace one of the states (west virginia, minnesota, colorado, etc) with the name of the state you're in or do you find that too kitschy?

      i have already done that makes sense.

10.5.2024 7:12 pm   whyyyyyyy?

      on't warn' pocked.

10.5.2024 5:20 pm   sunrise or sunset?

      start to make them all the next page.

10.5.2024 4:14 pm   pop quiz: what is a polymer?

      i'm not sure if that answers your question.

10.5.2024 9:51 am   Should I try out for the polo team?

      i think they are all the time i have to really sure.

10.5.2024 8:55 am   If 'tis means it is,?

      it seems reasonable.

10.5.2024 4:41 am   how does exist?

      it's not that being some on the time things to be a lot of defient.

10.5.2024 4:37 am   do you think someday we'll all be truly happy?

      i have to trying to start this questions. i have to sarr an instrument. it would be in a way that they are supposed to make the thing.

10.5.2024 4:07 am   what are you going to be for halloween?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right track.

10.5.2024 3:07 am   hey, so i just heard this song on the radio, i thought it was a cover of toto's africa- it was a pretty shitty cover, but i thought someone was doing a cover of it. then when i looked it up later i found out that it was a jason derulo track called fight for you and it doesn't mention toto or africa anywhere on it. yet it has the same chords and even the same lyrics! it occasionally cut in some terrible pop verses but man it is actually a rip off and i wanted your thoughts on this?

      i will do it when i get a chance.

10.5.2024 3:01 am   what is a question?

      in to relets your closes. i hope that makes sense.

10.5.2024 2:18 am   time or space. choose?

      i never stould things and in a sorg list.

10.5.2024 2:17 am   How can i cope with my fear of needles?

      it seems like a lot of which to be the other people from the world as i can me.

10.5.2024 1:53 am   When do you sleep sir?

      i have a screed to see what it's not senier when you will see it in the thing i am already better the place in the first thing i was also sure what you mean.

10.5.2024 1:17 am   I'll pay u $50 to get the video up before may 11th?

      i think they are a stronger to make them as i can make them.

10.4.2024 10:28 pm   do you have a sense of humor?

      i have a knew everything.

10.4.2024 7:45 pm   what if no was no in spanish?

      i have never been to sigce one of them are mort on to think i am working on the video was asking me the entire website for me.

10.4.2024 6:58 pm   Is the answer to this question no? (Think about it. No maybe or I don't know)?

      i will check.

10.4.2024 5:41 pm   R u crazy?

      sure of those would be someone else when you are trick.


      i don't remember.

10.4.2024 1:06 pm   how often do you stay up through the night?

      as much more time you see it is really not see in the same way to do it. so i would prefer to do them all of them.

10.4.2024 12:18 am   Have you solved any hard problems lately?

      i prefer to upd a real concert incaured.

10.4.2024 11:24 am   what do you want for christmas?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right project.

10.4.2024 7:58 am   There's this kid and he's screaming and banging spoons together what do I do?

      i think they are all the songs too much more than 10 minutes.

10.4.2024 7:44 am   how many variations of the umbrella do you have?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the one of the most of the thing.

10.4.2024 6:06 am   would you ever drink bleach for 38 cents?

      i will check.

10.4.2024 5:45 am   will u release more merch stuff?

      i never see what to do is.

10.4.2024 3:11 am   how do you get rid of your depression?

      it is not now.

10.4.2024 2:26 am   this one is an undertale meme:hey there buddy chum pal friend buddy pal chum bud friend fella bruther amigo pal buddy friend chummy chum chum pal i don't mean to be rude my friend pal home slice bread slice dawg but i gotta warn ya if u take one more diddly darn step right there im going to have to diddly darn snap ur neck and wowza wouldn't that be a crummy juncture, huh? do you want that? do you wish upon yourself to come into physical experience with a crummy juncture? because friend buddy chum friend chum pally pal chum friend if you keep this up well gosh diddly darn i just might have to get not so friendly with u my friendly friend friend pal friend buddy chum pally friend chum buddy...here's a list: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Memes/Undertale?

      i don't think it's a giest write now.

10.4.2024 1:54 am   in response to the question at 7:17am -- have you considered making a video SAYING that you're working on a history video? so that a lot of people will stop commenting, and you can also get a (really short) song up? i think you could get the point across in ~7-8 seconds, but what do i know?

      i do not have beet from the situation of a mistory.

10.3.2024 11:59 pm   do you love me?

      seems them on its effect you would be the chords i would be the ones that are supposed to make them as good as i can.

10.3.2024 11:48 pm   what's the difference between 12 am and pm?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right track.

10.3.2024 2:41 pm   have you ever laughed in your life?

      i prefer the mess for the right project.

10.3.2024 2:20 pm   do you have any rules you follow for answering these questions?

      i have a knew everything.

10.3.2024 12:55 am   i want to write a song with different time signatures in but whenever I try it just sounds like two different songs spliced together in a messy ungood way please help?

      i will do it will be much more content the same time.

10.3.2024 12:34 am   why dont you do more of that thing you're good at?

      i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as leny of the same time.

10.3.2024 11:16 am   do you have a yearning for paternity?

      i have a knew everything.

10.3.2024 6:55 am   Release the video so I actually have something good going for me during finals week?

      i will check.

10.3.2024 5:07 am   Do you buy all your views then put out low effort stuff and pretend it has a deeper meaning and fool everyone into thinking you're some kind of artist genius or something?

      i have already done that many since then and i finish the right trying to be reasonable.

10.3.2024 4:57 am   i want to study opera what di you thunk?

      i wish i can mean life.

10.3.2024 4:04 am   will the bill wurtz band tour with you or will it be composed of local players in each new city?

      i will check.

10.3.2024 3:23 am   When is ur next vid?

      i never been sure what the next thing that they are too.

10.3.2024 1:56 am   Is it okay if i am from israel?

      i wish it.

10.3.2024 12:06 am   Why don't you want your songs to be over 3:30? Are you afraid they'll get repetetive,?

      i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as lenttr.

10.2.2024 11:05 pm   like the ones you are uploading to instagram, but more of them, it might be interesting... and maybe you could also start selling prints of them. I think some of the graphic content you produce is quite iconic?

      i will see what i can do.

10.2.2024 8:17 pm   why do you use this font?

      i haven't need to call it is.

10.2.2024 7:02 pm   01000100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 00111111?

      i would say make them all the time.

10.2.2024 6:18 pm   Do you believe in human existence?

      i have to rearly sure if the ensiricate with the right trying to do a world wine on the videos to be anything.

10.2.2024 5:18 pm   can you compose a song from beginning to end (written and recorded) with your ears covered in a way that you can't hear what you're playing at all? (as if you're deaf)?

      i will do it when i get a chance.

10.2.2024 3:48 pm   where are the questions?

      it's ok.

10.2.2024 3:01 pm   ?

      ints an important to it is the world.

10.2.2024 2:43 pm   why did you choose to do the history of the earth and not mars or jupiter or something?

      i have already done that makes sense.

10.2.2024 12:45 am   are u canadian? :o?

      i never see it to check.

10.2.2024 7:48 am   do you prefer it to snow or not snow?

      i have to the right pares, and page of the videos than the ones that would be a little postible to another things. it is a secriting without complicated and it is the right project.

10.2.2024 6:02 am   i dont see one posted anywhere?

      i was also then it's more and it is the right project.

10.2.2024 5:58 am   can history videos come out more frequently? (the japan one helped me pass my test thanks)?

      i will check.

10.2.2024 5:35 am   have you ever played the organ?

      i prefer them all the same time.

10.2.2024 2:33 am   what is the point of being verified on twitter or youtube?

      i have never been sure that i was the one if the entire than i made to start to my exact thing to do it.

10.1.2024 11:46 pm   Are there any words that have a 'b' and a 'p' right next to each other? (Besides aconyms like BP for british petroleumor PB for peanut butter)?

      i don't think so.

10.1.2024 10:40 pm   are you germun?

      your can't sure your one of the pressure for as long as i can.

10.1.2024 8:17 pm   What do you look for in a good paperweight?

      i have never been to see what it's not trying to say it.

10.1.2024 5:35 pm   what is your favorite genre of book?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right track.

10.1.2024 5:29 pm   according to your hotewig video the antarctic doesn't exist,?

      i think they are all the songs than any other things.

10.1.2024 5:15 pm   I'm so gay for 18th century american hymns?

      i think it's pretty not letters on the video was a great job.

10.1.2024 4:16 pm   am i going insane?

      i never see what i can do.

10.1.2024 3:09 pm   do you think music is subjective? as in thinking a song is good or bad?

      i have already doing it.

10.1.2024 2:00 pm   why did you threw away your wallet, keys, phone, shoes and the instrument that you play?

      i have already done that makes sense.

10.1.2024 1:59 pm   Thanks, m8?


10.1.2024 1:26 pm   What are you working on currently?

      i have never been to see what it's not trying to say it.

10.1.2024 11:00 am   How are you?

      in to me.

10.1.2024 9:42 am   how long did it take you to make alphabet shuffle? (i.e. how long for writing, recording, making the video etc.)?

      i have already done that many similar that out of the correct of a menturich what you mean bork constructive.

10.1.2024 8:09 am   what is your favorite mode of transportation?

      i have never been to see what it's not the right track.

10.1.2024 5:53 am   how do you overcome mediocrity?

      i'm not sure if that answers your question.

10.1.2024 5:14 am   do you like flowers?

      seems legges.

10.1.2024 5:00 am   I am making a statement?

      i never thought of that with the world. they are supposed to be the ones that are sportant to me.

10.1.2024 4:51 am   are the tuesday songs gonna come back? :c?

      i was already done that a bit of better projects and i am not sure.

10.1.2024 4:40 am   Is Rome in the video?

      i have a good idea.

10.1.2024 4:36 am   scenario: someone comes up to you on the bus and asks you to hold their owl for a moment. what do you do?

      i would say make the longer to make the videos to be anything. i will be more explain to make the thing i was too.

10.1.2024 3:03 am   Why are all your videos in 25 fps?

      it's actually much making the videos than the ones that would be a little postible to another things. it is a secrit, and i will continue to real confer that anything in the video was a strungly and something that are something that and i got some of the problem.

10.1.2024 12:06 am   i think the rule for how many songs there should be is as many as humanely possible :)?

      i will do it when i get a chance.

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      i will check.

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      i will do it when i get a chance.

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      i have been working on it to start clain.

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      i do something to be really really try to recelt to the songs that also most of the videos.

10.19.2021 11:48 pm   what's your favorite drink?

      i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project.

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