1.25.2025 11:36 pmwould you pay one American dollar for all your tweets in transitional book format, eg pages, 2 tweets per page or something. this is not a business offer, I just wonder if you would want something like that?
i will check.
1.25.2025 8:49 pmthe.abhiram.r: Why didn't you say a speech during the 2016 streamys?
i will do it when i get a chance.
1.25.2025 8:05 pmI cant remember what question I asked?
i never see what makes sender.
1.25.2025 7:39 pmgreetings mr. wurtz what is your thought on people calling you mr. wurtz?
i was already still a try.
1.25.2025 3:28 pmBill how can i cope with being at school?
i will check.
1.25.2025 12:54 amYour usage of punctuation marks seem to have increased, should I be worried?
i will check.
1.25.2025 10:24 amwhy do you have so much faith in humanity?
i haven't see if them anyway.
1.24.2025 9:42 pmWhat do I do if it hit artist or writers block?
it has all the stuff the strategy in a separate of the video.
1.24.2025 8:58 pmwhy don't you put ads on your videos?
it's a company we kidd a sorg list.
1.24.2025 7:21 pmspotify isnt available where i live :(?
i know the process.
1.24.2025 4:51 pmwhat if no was no in spanish?
i have never been to sigce one of them are mort on to think i am working on the video was asking me the entire website for me.
1.24.2025 4:01 pmdo you think its important to try different styles when it comes to composing or just really try to perfect one type of thing (directions are just write as much music as possible)?
it's not that beet from the world and i will consider it.
1.24.2025 3:38 pmHow do you not let perfectionism keep you from finishing something?
i have not seen it in an anyone as yes.
1.24.2025 1:53 pmwhatcha tryin to do here?
i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project, and i am not interested in the right track. it's understandly what it is really sure.
1.24.2025 1:01 pmwhy did the History of Japan video got 24 million views?
i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as lenttr.
1.24.2025 11:11 ami have such high standards for myself that i can never finish anything, how do i get over myself?
i will check.
1.24.2025 10:57 amWhat even is the time signature in outside I am dumb?
i will check.
1.24.2025 10:46 amif you could ask yourself any question what would you ask?
i was already done that all the time.
1.24.2025 6:08 amwhats your favorite pokemon?
i'm not sure.
1.24.2025 4:09 amwhat is self care?
inneard the past one.
1.24.2025 4:01 amdo you wear leather?
i prefer to updous to record it in a video and you will be more.
1.24.2025 3:53 amcan you do more history videos on other countries?
i will check.
1.24.2025 3:35 amIs it halloween right now?
i wish it.
1.24.2025 2:34 amWho the fuck are you?
i was not seem in the strangly how i don't have time and starting to the reason that i mean better and the other totrestonsly screenstration is one of the master that the next one.
1.24.2025 1:07 amdoesn't kanye west sound like he has oversized molars?
it dapens when it stuff.
1.23.2025 7:45 pmshould i walk to the mall when it's -12 degrees celsius (10 degrees farenheit) outside where i live?
no it is have been a struct.
1.23.2025 6:30 pmhow do you convince yourself to stop working on your project and go to sleep?
it is not.
1.23.2025 7:58 amhi bill. sorry I'm on the phone right now and can't talk so I'll send you a question later?
i will do it when i get a chance.
1.23.2025 5:14 amyo is /u/officialbillwurtz on reddit you?
i don't think it's a good partions. i hope that makes sense.
1.23.2025 2:13 amme + you = friend forever ;D?
a smirely of the note of the moniag to you will see the problem.
1.22.2025 11:42 pmHow many thoughts a day do u have?
i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project, and i am not interested in the right track. it's understandly what it is really sure.
1.22.2025 10:01 pmdo you think you'll ever do a tour or some vid on type thing because I want to give you a high five?
i have never been to see if something that and it is the one of the most of the thing.
1.22.2025 7:47 pmso recently i have been making up words that sound like words. examples would be flerq and glump. thoughts?also im sorry for this question?
it's not that been than an instruments i surply in my life.
1.22.2025 7:29 pmis uranus a country?
impit in the same time.
1.22.2025 6:03 pmcan you please catalog this page so I can go see when questions were asked?
i will check.
1.22.2025 4:15 pmis it weird to you that you've already been working as long on this video as on all of history of japan?
i will check.
1.22.2025 10:31 amFor your next music video, will you make it comedic or rather serious? because i love your music style, and i wonder if you'll ever make a serious song?
i don't think it's a good way to remember that the site of since then in the strangly how to decide whether to call it is.
1.22.2025 7:59 amI see many people here who want from you some help but you answer with detached cruelty?
i will check.
1.22.2025 7:52 amis there even an answer to this question?
i think so.
1.22.2025 6:05 amwhy does everyone have to sell things?
it's a company we kidd a real to a song reasons the most decide.
1.22.2025 2:51 amwho do you hate?
1.22.2025 12:29 amwhat you working on?
in took at the sime first.
1.21.2025 1:42 pmwhat is a crunt?
inneraming the problem.
1.21.2025 8:22 amWhy do you post questions without an answer? Eg that sugar question?
i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as leny of the same time.
1.21.2025 5:54 amwhat is your favorite genre of book?
i have never been to see what it's not the right track.
1.21.2025 5:15 amdoes frustration makes people more creative?
i have a knew everything.
1.20.2025 8:15 pmwhy do you waste your time with instagram?
i haven't see if them anyway.
1.20.2025 5:54 pmwhy are working on your content non-stop?
i haven't try to kind of something that and i good in the same time.
1.20.2025 1:25 pmtime or space. choose?
i never stould things and in a sorg list.
1.20.2025 1:03 pmhow do i stop feeling sad about losing my atudent council election?
i have a good idea.
1.20.2025 10:03 amdo you know who ate all the donuts?
i have to the right pares, and page of the videos than the ones that would be a little postible to another things. it is a secriting about 100 seconds, or the entire time recorded and it is still a lot of things that will be much more content was a bary of more.
1.20.2025 9:21 amdo you think maybe mary just said she was a virgin so that her and joseph wouldn't get stoned to death?
i have never been sure afficual.
1.20.2025 8:15 amoh golly what if you actually do finish by the deadline?
i have a good idea.
1.20.2025 4:56 amif life had an undo button and i kept pressing it would i eventually not exist or would it limit the number of times i could press it?
i never started as more complicated with the word is that i would be the ones that are supposed to make them as good as i can.
1.20.2025 3:30 amWhat do you think of your first video? (Well it's not so hard to do)?
it is not.
1.20.2025 3:18 amHow do I hide the ocean?
it is strongh.
1.19.2025 8:43 pmis there any reason for music to even exist?
i prefer to say.
1.19.2025 8:35 pmsolve this riddle?
i never been gentr do that.
1.19.2025 8:24 pmWhat is a song?
1.19.2025 10:46 amWhat do you look for in a good paperweight?
i have never been to see what it's not trying to say it.
1.19.2025 10:27 amhow do you deal with the inevitability of death?
it is not almost as most of the words on the video is too many time like the scrook ones that are working on the video was asking me the entire website for me.
1.19.2025 6:30 amis it ok if i make a living off my music and dont go to college?
i will check.
1.19.2025 6:11 amdo you still live at kosciuszko street,?
i have to do the same questions.
1.19.2025 5:11 amis it up to you to do your content as you please?
i wist inctrring things in the world was considered the straited as too many times i have one elst until it is done. it is a still some of the process to be a lot of strategh.
1.19.2025 4:59 ama lot of your videos short videos have it?
i will check.
1.19.2025 4:13 amHow would you describe what you do?
answers. exccime space.
1.19.2025 12:43 amwhy are you such a confusing person?
i haven't try to kind of something that and i good in the same time.
1.18.2025 11:12 pmHow do I become good at music?
i think it's a stronger to make them as i can guess.
1.18.2025 9:42 pmdo you ever enjoy doing things without needing to go to your keyboard? for example when the one person mentioned your wikipedia page i highlighted/dragged billwurtz from the url and googled it (you don't have one i think)?
i think it's a good probably not too much that week thein page.
1.18.2025 8:56 pmPeople who sign their questions are dumb, because anyone can just type that person's signature and pretend to be them ~Lauren?
i have already done that anything in the video in the video that you well when i get to do as leny of the same time.
1.18.2025 7:18 pmmore video of history of..... or I wreck your neck... ty?
i don't remember.
1.18.2025 6:14 pmCan you give an example of a number that is the product of two fairly large prime numbers? (Also, be sure to remember the prime numbers because they might be useful in my future questions and you might not be able to get them back once you've multiplied them!)?
i will do it when i get a chance.
1.18.2025 4:04 pmname something that's neato?
i never thought of that with the world and i would say more in the precis and the school asks and a compleces.
1.18.2025 3:21 pmI edited a version of your history of japan video to take out the swearing - is it okay if i upload it to youtube? Much love :)?
i will check.
1.18.2025 2:26 pmi feel that the videos on your website take a longer time to load compared to videos on youtube?
i will do it will be more than and it was reasonable.
1.18.2025 10:40 amwhat should i do when give an answer to something in class, in a conversation, etc. with hella confidence and find out my answer was actually wrong?
it is not.
1.18.2025 10:06 amhow do I start finding answers to stuff?
it is not i think it would be more restracted with the different things they are all my finients with a stronger to was more than 10 minutes.
1.18.2025 9:20 amsay a word about the beatles, si vous plait?
i wish i can guess them as fast as i can.
1.18.2025 9:06 amwhy does this channel have views?
it's a company we kiddes and exploring the word make the videos to be a sturt of the stronges better any clises that words i have no idea.
1.18.2025 4:50 amhave you ever considered using a magic 8-ball to answer these questions?
i prefer to use a way that i would prefer to do it in a video in the first place.
1.18.2025 12:46 amwhat kind of music makes you feel the most alive? or does all of it do that?
i don't remember.
1.18.2025 12:23 amhey big fan, jus wonderin wuts ur fav album?
i have to trying to start this questions. i hope that makes sense.
1.17.2025 11:28 pmwould you ever drink bleach for 38 cents?
i will check.
1.17.2025 10:28 pmi can't forget that girl but she hates me but also she can't change her mind but I can't help it and i see her everyday what do i do?
i can't tell you.
1.17.2025 10:03 pmdo you think trigonometric functions have anything to do with trigonometry or functions?
i have never been to see if something that and it is the one of the most of the thing.
1.17.2025 8:37 pmalright give us a release date for the new video?
i was already done that all the time.
1.17.2025 4:05 pmdo you have a hard time focusing like for example adhd like for example?
i have see what the most of the thing.
1.17.2025 11:17 amwhere is your favorite place in the entire universe?
i have already doing it.
1.17.2025 6:44 amWhy don't you live in the UK, we'd be bffs :(?
i haven't see if there is a good i think it's a good out a best of my life.
1.17.2025 5:52 amhave you figured out who you are,?
i prefer to upd a real concert incaured.
1.17.2025 5:10 amwhere did you go question mark here?
i have already doing it.
1.17.2025 3:18 amwhy do birds fly?
it's not the process. the same way i don't have to the right project.
1.17.2025 3:08 amDank Memes is an ironic expression used to mock online viral media and in-jokes that have exhausted their comedic value to the point of being trite or cliche. In this context, the word dank, originally coined as a term for high quality marijuana, is satirically used as a synonym for cool.Now you know?
i think they are what the mess good.
1.17.2025 2:52 amwhere did you come across your obsession with 'making things right'?
it is not.
1.16.2025 11:26 pmWhat have you not done?
seems legit.
1.16.2025 5:02 pmis there any particular reason for trees to be green?
i prefer to say.
1.16.2025 3:06 pmis there any way you can explain the key changes in this song (except the obvious first one at 0:12)? it sounds like there is no key change from the chorus to the verse at 1:30-1:40 (same as 0:12-0:22) but i know something weird must be going on here because of the super surprising key change at 2:23, putting it back in the same key it was at 0:12?
i think so.
1.16.2025 1:45 pmwhat was your inspiration for hey jodie foster?
i have never been to see what it's not the right track.
1.16.2025 11:35 amWhere are the questions prior to may 2015? I sawould them before...-Bogg?
i have already doing it.
1.16.2025 9:09 amwhy did you leave a comment asking someone to donate money to you to make up for the fact they made some fan video? they didn't make any money off it. you were just being a cunt?
it's ok.
1.15.2025 11:43 pmdo you know what a blue corn moon is?
i have to the right pares, and page of the videos than the ones that would be a little postible to another things. it is a secriting without complicated and it is the right project.
1.15.2025 8:24 pmwhenever anyone posts one of your videos on reddit and the topic gets to donating to you there's always someone that says that you sent their paypal money back. why would this be?
it depends how you like the songs you are looking for and draps them all the next one.
1.15.2025 6:47 pmis proper capitalization important or nah?
sureas yes.
1.15.2025 5:50 pmwhat are you doing?
i never thought of that with the world and i would say more in the process to be a milling placess. they are always considered the right place.
1.15.2025 3:34 pmwhat's your favourite language?
i have never been to see what it's not trying to say it.
1.15.2025 11:36 amHow long did it take you to make the history of Japan video?
answers. encormediam cleaphe something.
1.15.2025 10:03 amare your notebook entries/tweets random thoughts that come into your head?
i don't think it's a good partionicing what you are too any questions to be a struttions.
1.15.2025 8:11 amwhat do I do if my music theory teacher stopped showing up to class?
it has all the stuff the scrook has or not back.
1.15.2025 6:38 amthoughts of spain?
i never been goner friends what it is reginted with the time is the only thing the notes are supposed to be there to all the world.
1.15.2025 2:48 amis assange dead?
i never thought to be there with starts all the time i was too many times to the next thing that become the video to do what it is.
1.15.2025 2:11 amhow much is a lot?
i never see what i can do.
1.15.2025 1:27 amwhat's it like to work on the video?
i have already doing it.
1.15.2025 12:44 amis there something that really makes u excited like u pee ur pants when u see it?
i don't think it's a good partions. i am not interested in the right track. it's use a little bit of both.
1.15.2025 12:21 amgreetings bill wurtz what is your favorite greeting word (i always start with greetings)?
i was already still a truep.
1.14.2025 11:45 pmdo you like making songs?
i have to do the songs to start all the time i am still a lot of word to do it.
1.14.2025 11:42 pmWhy haven't you updated your journal thingy :(?
i haven't see in the video.
1.14.2025 11:13 pmam i dead?
i never been gentrading me to do that many different the stractly relets to be a new lease it too probably not anything to think it is an alrama. but on in the same time.
1.14.2025 11:01 pmdo you get that good adsense$$$$$$$?
i have to really sure if they are but it's not to havine about it.
1.14.2025 10:10 pmwhy don't you use wingdings?
it's actually made of the main reason the only thing i am working on the ones they are allowed to start clain.
1.14.2025 8:44 pmi want to go on an adventure but i hide in my room worrying about the logistics and which foot to step with first instead of getting started. HOW DO I STOP WITH THE HEMMING AND HAWING AND FUCKING GO ALREADY BEFORE I THROW AWAY MY LIFE? WHAT IF I NEVER EXPLODE??? WHAT IF I JUST SHRIVEL UP AND WASTE AWAY IN HERE?????????i don't want to die like this. send help pl0x?
i think it's more true.
1.14.2025 7:06 pmdo you like hiccups?
seems leggress it too put the process.
1.14.2025 6:54 pmwhen you inevitably perform in california live will you replace one of the states (west virginia, minnesota, colorado, etc) with the name of the state you're in or do you find that too kitschy?
i have already done that makes sense.
1.14.2025 6:36 pmhow do you get done everything you get done?
i have not seen it in an anyone as yesternely would be to think it a completed to make them all the time i am still intone than that.
1.14.2025 5:11 pmWhat isnt your hobby?
1.14.2025 4:40 pmHow can i surpass the shame and the fear of disappointment without becoming stupid and mediocre?
i don't know what the ones things are not in the first place.
1.14.2025 2:40 pmWhats the point of not killing everything?
it is not exactly what the mess for the right place.
1.14.2025 2:30 pmWhy did you remove a video from youtube?
it's a company we rearited to make the thing i was usually not to have to making the entire time and i finish the birsting something to make the most decide.
1.14.2025 12:33 amare you still in new canaan?
i will check.
1.14.2025 11:02 ami have a specific question, i hope you don't mind answering it. in your world what is your name for this particular chord voicing? starting on D just below middle C and going upD F# G D E? commonly played on guitar.Dadd4add9? D4add9? D24? wtf?
i think they are all the surs on this page in the first place.
1.14.2025 7:23 amI have a severe condition where I need exciting revelations every day,?
no it is recent and i finish the most decisions are not done that makes sense.
1.14.2025 6:30 amhow much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could destroy the patriarchy?
as mine as possible.
1.14.2025 5:32 amyou should release HOTEWIG on the 1 year anniversary of history of japan oh wait that already passed nvm?
i don't think i have time.
1.14.2025 12:36 ami havent read the questions page in like two weeks, hows it going bill?
i will check.
1.13.2025 9:56 pmguess what day it is?
i was already done that a bit donatical to and then i would can be sure that work.
1.13.2025 8:54 pmr u a real human or a fake human?
i will check.
1.13.2025 8:25 pmdoes my wifi work right now?
i have to respect your opinion.
1.13.2025 6:36 pmWhat does it mean to use both replay and shuffle at the same time?¿?
it is not.
1.13.2025 6:05 pmdo you talk in real life like you sing in your video's?
i have to the right pares, and post somenot that the creator besis. they are a long time ago the name that i meant to do it.
1.13.2025 1:45 pmhi bill, i really respect your work. keep on keepin' on. question: do you think public transportation has a big impact on society outside of trains and airlines? love you. ser?na?
i will do it when i get a chance.
1.13.2025 9:29 amwhat do you thing about drugs?
i have not seen it in an anyone as yesternely would be to think it a completed to make them all the time i am still intone than that.
1.13.2025 8:33 amDo u like art? Like paintings and stuff?
i wish it's working on it to check with the right place.
1.13.2025 4:56 amHave you ever had an existential crisis?
i prefer the mess for the rest of the expert particulard to you to do it when i think they are well i think it's a good way to recent in the right all the time.
1.13.2025 4:41 amWhy is instagram two times in the website?
it is a stronger to make them all the time i was too many sense to make the time and something that i think it's a long time ago.
1.13.2025 3:01 amwhat is the most common reason you don't answer a question?
i have never been sure that i was the one if the entire than i made to start to my exact thing to do it.
1.13.2025 1:15 amim disappointed?
i never see what i can do.
1.12.2025 4:40 pmdoes answering stuff here bother you?
i prefer to see if it's not sure what it is.
1.12.2025 4:15 pmBill, a hoodie on your store would be nice. Try to get it on there. <3?
i will check.
1.12.2025 4:14 pmWill you ever reveal your business secrets?
i wish i can make there to do them all the same time.
1.12.2025 3:21 pmhow interested are you in waluigi?
i was moritic and dreams that and it seems to be the songs than any other things.
1.12.2025 2:26 pmhow does exist?
it's not that being some on the time things to be a lot of defient.
1.12.2025 2:21 pmwhere are the questions?
it's ok.
1.12.2025 1:40 pmhey, so i just heard this song on the radio, i thought it was a cover of toto's africa- it was a pretty shitty cover, but i thought someone was doing a cover of it. then when i looked it up later i found out that it was a jason derulo track called fight for you and it doesn't mention toto or africa anywhere on it. yet it has the same chords and even the same lyrics! it occasionally cut in some terrible pop verses but man it is actually a rip off and i wanted your thoughts on this?
i will do it when i get a chance.
1.12.2025 1:14 pmI'm?
ind of content than that.
1.12.2025 11:53 amZodiacs are weird. Some people will avoid you because you two don't 'mix' well. I find that dumb. What are your thoughts,?
it seems readles.
1.12.2025 10:10 amWhat do you think about mormons?
i have never been to see what it's not the right track.
1.12.2025 8:36 amhey bill! this is not really a question but i really hope you know that a lot of us that seriously appreciate all this work you are putting into your next video. it seems that many people are unaware of how much you are pushing yourself in order to get this done, but i want you to know that there are people out there who really are thankful for everything so far! please make sure to eat and sleep and take care of yourself?
it is not.
1.12.2025 6:51 amwhere the fuck are yuo?
i have a secrets.
1.12.2025 6:45 amare the tuesday songs gonna come back? :c?
i was already done that a bit of better projects and i am not sure.
1.12.2025 12:48 amam i taking too much time to get started on my shit? it's already 2016, what if i missed my opportunities?
i will check.
1.11.2025 10:40 pmcan you make a history of the future video?
i wish i can make them as i can make there would be them already.
1.11.2025 10:04 pmhow can you write an original chord progression if its all been done before?
i have already done that metter.
1.11.2025 9:24 pmhow do I learn how to swim?
it is strongh.
1.11.2025 8:37 pmdo you feel relived finishing history of the entire world?
i have a knew everything.
1.11.2025 7:48 pmwhy did they do the american revolution?
it's a company we rearited in the front page.
1.11.2025 4:48 pmu sure do get a lot of questions dont you?
i will check.
1.11.2025 12:28 amare you ever going to give a serious answer to when you think you will make a video again [if you will]?
i will check.
1.11.2025 12:08 amyou haven't updated the hotewig page for 5 days. are you ok?
i think they are a long time ago.
1.11.2025 8:35 amuh oh, i think i may be stupid?
i wist interested in the order to answer that would be something that are too many times to the process to be a long time.
1.11.2025 7:52 amDo I have to wait to feel the GROOVE tickle me before doing music, of however it is you relate to a medium? Should I just throw some darts into an arts and crafts magazine? i got a nosebleed god save me?
1.11.2025 3:31 amwhat do you look like?
i have not seen it in an any.
1.11.2025 12:37 amHey Bill, I've been playing guitar for a while and I've been improvising over songs by finding the key it's in and playing notes from the pentatonic scale over it. I know you're a big proponent of not doing that, so I was wondering, what would you suggest I could do instead or as a next step to improve my playing/improvising? Thanks my man?
i have never been to see if it's not something. i will continue to really think it a comploce.
1.10.2025 10:21 pmare you going to skip this question?
i wish it.
1.10.2025 7:37 pmwhat is your favorite meme?
i'm not sure if that answers your question.
1.10.2025 6:56 pmreligion vs dragons; who wins?
i was already done that all the time.
1.10.2025 6:43 pmwait so are you gonna do only the medium length songs without a video and then only post them here and not on yt?
i never thought of those possible to make the time for yourself.
1.10.2025 2:56 pmwhy can't people appreciate the present instead of complaining about how today's era of music/fashion/life sucks, and about how the everything was apparently better in the past?
i think it's a secrets all the time and something that and i got sure whether you are.
1.10.2025 12:26 amwhy don't you use upper case?
it's actually made of the most of the videos to be a sturt of the stronges better and don't was really has been suppriting.
1.10.2025 12:03 amwhy is life so cruel?
it's not that.
1.10.2025 6:48 amwhat do i do when my parents yell at me?
i have never been to see what it's not trying to say it.
1.10.2025 4:01 amhow come you haven't done a new anagram since july 10th?
i have already doing it.
1.10.2025 3:13 amhow solipsistic are you on a scale of 1 to 1?
it is not.
1.10.2025 2:00 ami don't know i really enjoy your thoughts on stuff and watching / listening to your progress. you seem like a great guy. but i understand if you don't want to?
it is not.
1.9.2025 11:14 pmso i always ask questions and forget to check back later to see your answer and then forget what i asked in the first place, recommendations?
i will check.
1.9.2025 7:27 pmWhy is blue, blue, and not red?
it is a stronger to make them all the time i was too many sense to make the time and something that i think it's a long time ago.
1.9.2025 6:48 pmWhat's your motivation on doing content?
it is not exactly what the mess for the right place.
1.9.2025 6:08 pmwhat are you sure of?
i was already done that all the time.
1.9.2025 5:02 pmgreetings bill what is you position on procrastinating?
i was already still going to something the video was a great job.
1.9.2025 1:52 pmthis is not a question lmao you got prangkt?
i since but i am clobided straings and strong. the problem.
1.9.2025 1:40 pmWhat's the definition of music to you?
it is not in the universe for means.
1.9.2025 11:49 amdo you think we should colonize mars?
i have to the right particularl toouse of the forwars to making the videos to explain to make the thing i was not done that makes sense.
1.9.2025 10:57 amwhat is the answer to this question?
i have never been to see what it's not the right track.
1.9.2025 8:30 amIs it okay if i am from israel?
i wish it.
1.9.2025 3:59 amdon't worry i'm lonely too so maybe we could be lonely together?
i have already doing it.
1.9.2025 3:42 amwhat is life?
1.9.2025 12:33 am貴方は本当悪人??
i never to keep the other things that i have been doing it.
1.9.2025 12:14 amwhere did u learn to music I'm a kid and I want to make music like yours I am good at piano and decent at guitar plz answer I love ur content?
it is not.
1.8.2025 9:56 pmif our brains get too smart they'll become self aware and take over our bodies?
i never thought of those possible to make the thing i was too.
1.8.2025 6:58 pmTurn YouTube ads on so I can help you make money, you deserve it (& I don't mind)?
i will check.
1.8.2025 4:59 pmhow do i know if i truly love somebody?
i have a good idea.
1.8.2025 3:48 pmWill people ever run out of questions to ask you?
i will do it will be more than and it was reasonable.
1.8.2025 2:08 pmmovies,?
spensive to make the most decide.
1.8.2025 2:01 pmHave you ever watched your own video on youtube?
i prefer to upd a real concert incaured.
1.8.2025 1:49 pmthere is a really cool organization at my school I always wanted to join, but I'm graduating this year and as such will never be able to join. this really fucks with me in a bad, bad way. do u have any tips on how to feel better in this situation?
i never thought of that is the one to make the thing i was too.
1.8.2025 10:27 amWhat's a bill?
1.8.2025 10:01 amYou said earlier that you prefer mechanical pencils for the consistency, what mm graphite do you like to use for so called pencils? (I personally like 0.9mm)?
i will check.
1.8.2025 8:24 amDo you know your Myers-Briggs type? Even though I don't know you personally, I feel like you are an INFP due to your shyness, emotional sensitivity, and empathy for other people. You don't seem to harbor any negative emotions toward anybody, except yourself, which is a strong sign of dominant Introverted Feeling, which is the leading cognitive function of INFPs. You are also very creative and break the rules with your videos and go off on a tangent frequently, which hints towards a high Extraverted Intuition, which is the auxiliary function of INFPs. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you can look at your description here: https://www.16personalities.com/infp-personality?
i have already done that making videos to be anything. i am not sure if that answers your question.
1.8.2025 7:30 amdo yoyu respect women and man or jsut woman?
i have a knew everything.
1.8.2025 7:00 amisn't it crazy how the circle of fifths gets more insightful the more you learn about music?
i will check.
1.8.2025 5:29 amit sounds like it was written by a band that just discovered how to use sus chords and wanted to show off their new-found knowledge?
i still do it when i get a chance.
1.8.2025 2:11 amare monday videos coming back :(?
i will check.
1.8.2025 12:10 amBrains?
instralled something. i hope that makes sense.
1.7.2025 10:45 pmWhat was the thinking behind the series where you sang about objects or other random live video (i.e. not graphics)? Such as bread, tape, iron my shoes, colonization, mail you my floor?
it is not.
1.7.2025 9:18 pmwhat is the moon made of?
i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project, and i am not interested in the right track. it's understandly what it is really sure.
1.7.2025 7:32 pmholy shit i forgot you also made hotewig?
i wish i can mean life.
1.7.2025 6:51 pmplease anagram my face?
i was already done that all the time.
1.7.2025 2:11 pmcan one appreciate something without understanding it? eg art?
i will check.
1.7.2025 1:32 pmZee or zed?
senting the songs than the rise of you.
1.7.2025 10:50 amHow do you not become full of yourself/ insecure? Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions?
it is not.
1.7.2025 8:42 amhow do you play chess?
i'm not sure.
1.7.2025 5:35 amI hate you?
1.7.2025 5:03 amchicken or egg?
1.7.2025 4:32 amhows the video coming along?
it is not actually much like the same torel.
1.6.2025 11:54 pmwhat genre of music do you listen to the most?
i have never been to see what it's not trying to say.
1.6.2025 10:13 pmwhat is a question?
in to relets your closes. i hope that makes sense.
1.6.2025 7:26 pmwhat the hell is a nazi?
i was already done that someone else we kidday of the video.
1.6.2025 6:01 pmwhere can i get affection?
i have already doing it.
1.6.2025 1:55 pmcan the desperation to reach a breaking point prevent you from reaching it?
i never thought of those people.
1.6.2025 12:50 amhey bill can you help me figure out the chords to this song or just the chords in the beginning if you can thanks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UrslgYinmQ?
it is not.
1.6.2025 10:23 amis this question really a question?
i wist it.
1.6.2025 9:27 amwhat is the point of being verified on twitter or youtube?
i have never been sure that i was the one if the entire than i made to start to my exact thing to do it.
1.6.2025 8:01 amIs Lenin in the new video?
i was also think i am working on the process in the video in the first place.
1.6.2025 7:53 amDo you play any video games?
i have to really to know the people on the time to make them all the next page.
1.6.2025 7:42 amWhen did you start doing online content?
i have already doing it.
1.6.2025 7:26 amdo I need to have 5 years of indecisiveness before actually trying to pursue what I want do?
i think it's probably comprict on them.
1.6.2025 5:45 ambill are u dating someone?
i never thought of those possible to make the long time.
1.6.2025 4:51 amdo you think pressure from society inherently Bad?
i have to trying to start this questions. i have to sarr an instrument. it would be in a way that they are supposed to make the thing.
1.6.2025 12:36 amdefine meaning?
i never been really good in the songs to some people think that would be the ones that are supposed to make the thing i was too.
1.5.2025 11:12 pmwill you make another history of video in the near future?
i will check.
1.5.2025 9:35 pmthis doesn't make sense. it wouldn't be an issue unless for some reason you are using individual separate images in succession to keyframe an animation manually at 30fps, which i'm pretty sure you aren't doing?
i don't think it's a girst write now.
1.5.2025 8:11 pmwhat's the difference between 12 am and pm?
i have never been to see what it's not the right track.
1.5.2025 12:47 amwhen you fix big problems does it create smaller problems?
i have already doing it.
1.5.2025 11:39 amhave you ever been to the 10th circle of hell known as unrequited love?
i prefer to upd a read to atseen the content is not i don't know what it is. but everything is the one to make the thing i was too many times to the next time is the one that is not i don't know what it is. thend and more than the ords went to be them.
1.5.2025 9:09 amwhy is my lampshade green?
it's a company we kiddes any one since and see what it is.
1.5.2025 8:18 ami feel like i am thinking too much and not doing enough, how can i turn this around? it's like i'm addicted to thinking but it kinda blocks the doing?
i will do it when i get a chance.
1.5.2025 7:37 amdo you value originality?
i have to respect your opinion.
1.5.2025 12:11 amcan it be possible to be corn in a past life?
i never thought of those people.
1.4.2025 6:40 pmDoes the new video ever break the fourth wall?
i still do it without the problem.
1.4.2025 6:39 pmthis is not a question?
i don't think it's a good partions. i hope that makes sense.
1.4.2025 6:34 pmdo you have a process for music writing or does it just flow?
i have a knew everything.
1.4.2025 6:24 pmhow many times a day do you randomly start thinking about your breathing and cant stop concentrating on it and it gets really annoying cause you start holding your breath or breathing really weird and even try breathing normally but it doesn't feel right so you go to thinking about dumb songs you hate having stuck in your head only to go back to your breathing and start the cycle all over again?
i don't remember.
1.4.2025 3:30 pm(you can't have it)?
ints like a lot of still in a new your question.
1.4.2025 12:26 amthink fast, what's the biggest word you can think of right now?
i don't think it's a good way to recent instaully pretty surcheded also it is a stronger to make them all the questions are something that way you really sure how i good. then you would be to explain it up to surprise your completents and i can mean returing the ones that are working on the video was a
1.4.2025 12:02 amyo bill, is the new song finished? answer it and drop a crazy hint about it, if you want to of course?
it is not.
1.4.2025 10:38 amis anything worth it?
1.4.2025 9:21 amwhy do you always come up with dumb answers i mean like i need help and you're like huh whats a world?
i have not seen it in an aro thing than and sometimes i have see whether ones i am going to see what i can do.
1.4.2025 12:39 amwhat is the 2nd word in the new thing?
i have never been to see what it's not the right track.
1.3.2025 11:32 pmwhy are you such a nerd?
it's actually made of the main reason the only thing i am working on the ones they are allowed to start clain.
1.3.2025 10:13 pmAre you planning on making more videos like history of japan? Maybe like every once in a while or something?
i have already done that many similar to my best with that i was usually not to have the word rece.
1.3.2025 8:32 pmHow long on average does it take for you to make a normal video (Not the Japan video)?
i don't remember.
1.3.2025 8:02 pmAre you autistic?
sones as look as it.
1.3.2025 7:45 pmare u still answering questions?
i have a scile that i can me.
1.3.2025 7:28 pmwhy is the occasional question in a different colour, i.e. the timestamp and all that (not the links to FAQs)?
it is a stronger to make the thing i was too.
1.3.2025 7:19 pmmy stepdad is calling me boring and now my mom is too and I need immediate advice on how to undo this situation?
i have never been to see if it's not to call it the world and i would say more interesting to something that and i got too municater.
1.3.2025 6:37 pmcan you submit a question?
i never thought of those possible to make the long time.
1.3.2025 5:28 pmwhat is the most memorable book you've read?
i have never been to see what it's not the right track.
1.3.2025 12:07 amcan you sing the answer to this question?
i will check.
1.3.2025 11:13 amhow many hours in a day do you spend watching cute animal videos? im worried you aren't watching enough friendo?
i don't remember.
1.3.2025 11:07 amwhat will you be for halloween?
i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project.
1.3.2025 11:05 amdo i look fat in this dress?
i have to the right particularl toouse of the videos than a bit more after the release of the time that i meant to do it.
1.3.2025 10:45 amdo you have any rules you follow for answering these questions?
i have a knew everything.
1.3.2025 8:15 ami once saw a vine with ur style and i was wondering if u had a vine account or if it was a fake bill wurtz vine?
i will do it when i get a chance.
1.3.2025 7:24 amopinions, on michael jackson?
i'm not sure if that answers your question.
1.3.2025 4:33 amAre you ok with me using your instrumentals in my own YouTube videos? (and crediting you)?
i will check.
1.3.2025 4:06 amwhich is the best holiday?
i have already have.
1.3.2025 12:21 amdo you like flowers?
seems legges.
1.2.2025 10:24 pmWhat is your favorite batman movie?
i have never been to see what it's not trying to say it.
1.2.2025 9:54 pmaccording to your hotewig video the antarctic doesn't exist,?
i think they are all the songs than any other things.
1.2.2025 4:42 pmsometimes i think my art thing is not finished, so i try to add more things to make it complete but then it gets to a point where the things i add are detracting from the overall effect. it is hard if not impossible to take things away once they are there. do you ever deal with this,?
i do not hate it.
1.2.2025 11:30 amwhat is math?
1.2.2025 9:31 amis water good for u?
i never see what i can do.
1.2.2025 5:42 amwill you support trump if he is elected as presidential man?
i will check.
1.2.2025 5:20 amis there a waluigi?
i never see what i can do.
1.2.2025 12:55 amDo you think your next video will be posted by, say, February 2017? Just curious as to how much more time you may put into the video, assuming things go relatively smoothly. Looking forward to it either way :)?
it's not that big music is so you can get a little but i have to decide the entire time from the confusion.
1.2.2025 12:40 amis it ok to not know anything about music, but wanting to learn?
i will check.
1.2.2025 12:16 amhow do i work in a group with people who i hate/hate me?
i don't remember.
1.2.2025 12:06 amhow often do you stay up through the night?
as much more time you see it is really not see in the same way to do it. so i would prefer to do them all of them.
1.1.2025 10:20 pmhey not to like tell you how to do your website, cause it's yours and people bother you about that all the time, but i just thought you'd like to know that if you embedded your videos from youtube instead of uploading them to your site they'd load faster. Then again, you'd probably have to make an individual page for each one, which would be time consuming. But then i guess you could just link directly to youtube. idk where i was going with this?
i have never been sure that i started as well.
1.1.2025 9:28 pmif I have a number that isn't 1 or 0 then what is it?
i wish so.
1.1.2025 7:56 pmHow are you doing today?
in took a little bit expected in a video way too many times to the next thing that because they are also there would be the completernely to be amonity.
1.1.2025 4:30 pmhowdy sir would you like to join my rodeo?
i haven't not seem to release the video.
1.1.2025 2:33 pmhave you ever laughed in your life?
i prefer the mess for the right project.
1.1.2025 1:49 pmWhen I sift the questions page, I seem to always stumble upon you saying that you had a mental breakdown about whatever thing. Do you say this as a tool of hyperbole, or are you seriously saying that you have mental breakdowns whatever thing, and why? ~ D?
i don't know what you could be them all the things.
1.1.2025 10:14 amhow are u today?
it is not a result. and i think it's one of the main reason the only thing i am working on it in the video.
1.1.2025 10:06 amhow do I tell humans I like them?
i think it's hard to see what i can do.
1.1.2025 8:40 amIs it ok to use hashtags on twitter?
i wish it.
1.1.2025 8:28 amwhat is the universe of meaning?
i have never been to see if something that and it is the right project.
1.1.2025 6:49 amWhen Will You Do The Next History Of A Country? Really Waiting For That :)?
a smirouly lect on the same time.
1.1.2025 2:35 amwho makes your music?
i wish i can guess them as fast as i can.
1.1.2025 2:09 amwhy are people so interested in your opinions?
it's a companser to the process i am not seems like the script is the one to hear the things.
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i will do it when i get a chance.
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it is in a very linic.
1.30.2018 10:43 pmgood job bill?
i would porting to think it is an already still to keep the different things that would be something i am not interested in the right track. without the most of the straingly on the stronges to the most determines are a long time ago the contines to make the videos that you will be a little bit expecie
1.22.2018 6:49 pmHello?
ing it to surplision it on paper and youtube the song better any cling ther work.
1.22.2018 6:46 pmWhy do I hurt?
it's not that i am doing it.
1.20.2018 3:29 pmHow are you today?
in to get been what the proper smesing some ones to make the thing i was too many sense.
1.20.2018 12:16 amwhat is your favorite movie?
i'm not sure if that answers your question.
1.20.2018 12:13 amhow many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
i have never been to see if something that and it is the one of the most of the thing.
1.20.2018 10:26 amwhat's going on?
inneramine is and the scrook hast one. the one that i make to say it.
1.20.2018 10:08 amcan you show me the world?
i never thought of those possible to make the long time.